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VirtueMart 1.1 revision 1155 Installation issues

Started by RolandD, January 12, 2008, 14:50:40 PM

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Ok, I have been playing with the installation of the nightly build rev 1155 and experienced the following:

  • Getting an out of memory error
  • Mixed VM and Joomla view

Let me explain a bit:
My first installation was on a Joomla 1.0.11 site with 16MB and this went fine. Then I decided to install it on a Joomla 1.0.13 site and the Joomla installation went fine, continuing to install sample data it just runs and runs and eventually I get an out of memory error. So I changed my configuration from 16MB to 128MB and redid the installation. Again the sample data installation runs and runs, finally completing. It shows the left menu and the right side shows the login page for Joomla. Logging in shows me the Joomla control panel. Switching to simple mode all is fine. Switching back to Extended mode shows the Joomla login again. I have applied the Joomla 1.0.13 session fix.

The memory issue was solved by me for now but I wonder how much memory is needed then to install the sample data. The login issue no idea ;)




I was able to install VM 1.1 rev 1154 with sample data in both Joomla 1.0.13 and Joomla 1.5 rev 9911 with 16MB of memory without any problem or long halt during installation, maybe server issue?


I could try again later regarding the memory, any ideas on the constant logout? I checked the PHP log but nothing in there.
