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missing features - my Christmas wish

Started by Michael Mais, December 23, 2007, 02:38:20 AM

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Michael Mais

I started to work with 1.1 and get used to the new layout quite quickly. I suggest two features which I am missing:

A "Copy" Button in the Product List. This was handy in the 1.0 version when putting in similar products.

Listing all the products and categories on one page. At the moment I only see one item at the time and underneath pages "1,2,3,4,5,6 next". So your category "Power tools - outdoor use" would be somwhere on page 4. If the number of products is 2 then no pages are displayed and no means to "see product no 2" Please notice, this has "repaired itself" for some unknown reason and now lists normaly.

And two questions:
Can someone explain the new Display options with the Child product function?
How to update from nightly build to nightly build without starting from scratch every time?

Remember, packing parcels for Christmas is more important then my questions!

Merry Christmas