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apostrophe problem and slash showing for no reason

Started by kaddaw, October 21, 2007, 22:44:23 PM

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# "'" instead of "apostrophe" in title tags (shop.product_details.php)

this was fixed in previous 1.0 release but it's still showing "'" in the details title page.

Also in the details page up top in the short description, a backslash is shown next to apostrophe  like this


How to fix these 2 issues?


Can you provide a url for this as I don't see it using the latest VM 1.1 nightly:

Database Version: 4.1.22
PHP Version: 4.4.4
Web Server: Apache
VirtueMart 1.1: Ver. 1002  17 October
Joomla! Version: Joomla! 1.0.13 Stable [ Sunglow ]
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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