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Canadian experience with payment processors?

Started by Shibumi, March 15, 2006, 15:43:52 PM

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Oh boy oh boy, I can't wait to try out this new toy.  Once I get into it in a few days I'll post back my results.  beautiful work cipher.


Hey r0tt3n,

before I say thanks, I didnt really create it, jabberwock did, I helped out by doing some testing and code clean up, but full credit goes to jabberwock... without him, we wouldn't have this processor for us Canadians eh!

As far as I know, between jabberwock and myself, we have discovered that the Verified By Visa checks use a different test account for testing purposes, so you would need to contact your BeanStream rep or tech support to find out more before you can test the VbV.  But, it should work for live accounts.

We are looking for any help with the Verified by Visa portion of this payment processor - this module is about 90% complete, and this is the only portion that is not fully functional... and I have tested it (without VbV) successfully on Visa and M/C test accounts both Approved and Declined. I have not tested the Verified by Visa check as of yet.

We have discovered some small issues regarding how VM passes the session_id stored in $order_number and that session_id is what ends up being your "Order Number" in Beanstream Administration and emailed receipts to customers... makes it a little confusing when trying to match orders. Also noticed that in VM Order Admin, it does not show any "Confirmation" or "Authorization" Number.

We are working on getting more concise transaction report data to be displayed at the bottom of the order detail admin page.

The masking of the CVV code in the admin Order Details page and email confirmations has now been added by Jabberwock and the file is attached for uploading to your /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/payment/ folder... download the file and overwrite the existing ps_beanstream.php, then log in to VM Admin, go to List Payment Methods, click on your beanstream payment method and in the Configuration Tab, add this code to the Payment Extra Info text area...

if (isset($_SESSION["bs_auth_code"])) {
'Transaction Authorization Code:' $_SESSION["bs_auth_code"];

[attachment cleanup by admin]
================================================= -
Scion Owners Club of Ottawa -
Capital Door Service - - VM2.0.20b, Joomla 2.5.11 PHP5.2.11 powered site


Well Canucks, looks good so far...

What about a spin off towards a internetsecure payment modual.

I have an internetsecure account and have also used that of Zencart(spin off of OSC, but way way better), I'm not a programmer, but know there are many internetsecure users like that of myself and we sincerely need something like this.

VM has a great future, but todate I get the feeling it is not very Canadian or North American friendly.

I can help in testing and French translations. Currently I have a test site of Joomla and VM running in both French and English, some minor items in this regards. VM's attributes options are a dog to work with in my opinion at this point as well. Take Zencart or OSC, one product is created, attributes are added with multiple options. When using more then one language, there is only on main product and the translated version in stage with this, you add attributes and still only one product is required. VM on the otherhand ends up with parent-child products, this in terms of attributes the VM way ends up with mutiple copies of the same product in my case: product plus 4 size formats(same product, just different sizes) that in terms adds the need to translate 4 times the same product after the parent product, that is a nasty workload when you have many products in a dual language setup.


Any new news in regards to this payment processor?


Hey Rott3n -- I need this one, too -- could we interest anybody in finishing the development? I'd be happy to donate time and money to the cause!


Hello there.

The current version does work correctly for processing payments and has been used for the past few months without problem.

I'm currently thinking of adding the ability for Verified by Visa to the processor but it requires many more changes to the main virutemart checkout code that I haven't added it yet.

Have fun.

Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. --Aristotle

Anthony C.


Thank for your support on this payment module.

I am lucky to see your post. I just have one question. What is the Verified by Visa ? If that is not supported, will that affect the security of the transaction?

Thank you


Anyonen here had any successful w/ the Moneris pp mod?


Is there a Moneris payement processor module for VirtueMart?  To the best of my knowledge there isn't one, but I'd be really interested if there were...


Yes, but Moneris & the mod seem quite difficulut so far to get working. There are several people looking at it for the Canadian use but we lack coding experience to used the setup & if it's working right. Mod desinger is a good help but he has been busy.



Thanks for the link Burner - I apparently missed that one.  I'll definately have to take a look at it.  I am a programmer, so if this ends up being the payment processor my client wishes to use, I'll definately take a look.  By the way, has anyone done a cost comparison of the different online payment processors available to Canada?  I thought Moneris was the only one in Canada for the longest time, and then I heard of Beanstream... how much do they charge for setup fees and per transaction?  Are there others to consider?


I'm doiing this for a client so I'm not sure but it seems out West that Moneris is the one in bed w/ RBC

Which banks are using Beanstream?


TD I Think - I wonder what Scotiabank offers...


No idea. I'm just wanting to get Moneris going.

I wish there was an special committee in VM that would work on Payment Modules as they are really needed & the future of continuing VM success w/ Joomla!, Mambo & etc.
