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Bring Virtuemart back to surface - community help needed

Started by rdcustom, July 15, 2024, 13:34:40 PM

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Quote from: andrai2 on October 24, 2024, 21:31:21 PMSo at curent state i think it should be marketed a "product for professionals" who wants to invest some time not drag and drop.

yeah, Great idea for a marketing slogan - choose Virtuemart package  8) :

For the masses: Viertuemart + Wordpress - ideal for clueless and lazy people
For the niche: Virtuemart + Joomla - perfect for creative masochists


a little bit too late, but i wanted to share my thoughts on latest Virtuemart news post

The main thing that i liked is the acknowledgment off "chalanges and problems", to sum up:

1) Competiton 2) Download nummbers 3) Endless code chages 4) Lack of extensions 5) Virtuemart for wordpress

To rephrase:

1) We have big competition tons off cart systems out there 2) Not so big download nummbers 3) Code changes cause confusion 4) Lack off extensiosn, i would add templates too 5) Wordpress to atrract more blood

Again, I liked that leadership acknowladges and vocalize "chalanges and problems", it makes me think we have realistic view on the current state of ALL AROUND Virtuemart state

Maybe the wrong blief is that, that regualr small fixes and new features will somehow eventually push Virtuemart forward, i think it will just stay on float (hats off for regular small fixes and new features)

I think in some sense Open source free to use philosphy, has played  unwillingly "communist trick", killing the positive elemenets of captilsim (competition-driven innovation, profit incentives, and financial sustainability for creators)

My feeling is that somehow "everything will be fine" by it self, evrything will sirt out in good faith, could be misleading, my observation is that in joomla and virtuemart community are lot of people lets say in their Prime years and we should now how the life works.

If download nummbers and sales are down, than leadership should zoom out, see the biger picture and "find inner Elon Musk and launch Virtuemart to Mars"

Maybe virtueamrt could develop a service "Virtuemart enterprise" - for companies with minimum turonver 100 000 eurs, and charge there.

I think in this state any action is good, maybe the Wordpress will do the miracle

the main goal is just to keep fire burning.