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Shipping address in confirm mail when no need?

Started by sandomatyas, May 29, 2024, 10:51:45 AM

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VirtueMart can handle billing and shipping addresses, which is great. These addresses are also included in the confirmation email, which is useful when using courier shipping.

But what about when the customer selects self pick-up in the store? In this case, there should be no shipping address.

It's even more confusing if the shop uses parcel machines as a shipping method. The customer chooses a locker, like one near their home, workplace, or in a mall, and this machine has its own address. The confirmation email will contain the billing address, the shipping address (which is not needed in this case), and possibly the parcel locker's address.

Can we handle this in VirtueMart?

I know I could do it by overriding the mail layout or using VP Email Manager, but can it be done directly in VM? Or maybe from the shipping plugin?


It's not true. You can literally do anything. In my store I use various types of shipping and payment methods.

You can create a traditional prepaid courier shipping method. You can create a courier delivery option with cash on delivery. You can create a personal pickup option

As you can see, there are also parcel lockers - but you need external third-party applications that you can simply buy and install.

I think you are wrong when you write that in the case of personal collection or parcel lockers, the customer should not provide his address details. This just shows that you don't have e-commerce experience yet.

In cases of legal disputes with clients, such address data may be very necessary for you. An email address or telephone number may not be sufficient to effectively find a customer. It also very often happens that customers provide a false e-mail address or make typos in telephone numbers -
contact with such people can be completely paralyzed


Billing address is fine. But not sure why I should provide a shipping address, with zip, city, street, when it's nothing related to the order, because I pick up in person or want to use a parcel locker.


The more customer data you have, the better for you. What if the client wants you to issue an invoice? an email address or telephone number alone is not enough.

Address data may be useful for directing sales offers to customers from specific address locations (city/voivodeship/country)

Collecting additional address information, even if it is not used to deliver a package, can help verify a customer's identity and prevent fraud. For example, if a customer provides an incorrect address, it could be a sign that they are trying to use stolen credit card information.

Some products, such as firearms or prescription drugs, may require additional verification data to ensure regulatory compliance.

Of course, your store, your business and your problems - you will do as you see fit.

Fields in the order form can be easily hidden for selected options (such as parcel locker) using Javascript.


"What if the client wants you to issue an invoice? An email address or telephone number alone is not enough." Issuing an invoice is mandatory, so using a billing address is also mandatory, no question about it.

It's only about the 'shipping address.' Some of my customers have asked to remove it because it can mislead the visitor. I use some quite big shops in our country regularly, and they don't ask for the shipping address unless you want the package delivered to that address. They don't even ask when I use a parcel locker or self pick-up.

"Fields in the order form can be easily hidden for selected options (such as parcel locker) using Javascript." That's true for the checkout layout, but for the order confirmation email, online order history, and backend interface, it is a different story.


Quote from: sandomatyas on June 17, 2024, 13:06:31 PMIt's only about the 'shipping address.' Some of my customers have asked to remove it because it can mislead the visitor. I use some quite big shops in our country regularly, and they don't ask for the shipping address unless you want the package delivered to that address. They don't even ask when I use a parcel locker or self pick-up.

You can simply hide it. Make an active checkbox in the form with the information "I don't want to provide my address details" - when checked, the script will hide unwanted fields. This function can also be activated after pressing the option for sending to a parcel locker - radio button.

these are very easy things to do. Here's an example


And what about the order confirmation email, online order history, and backend interface?


Do not understand the question. You don't have to hide all fields. For parcel locker shipping, you should leave at least phone number and email address


I mean, I don't need the circled part when I choose self pick-up. It's confusing. In my case, there's no shipment address at all. Why is there a 'shipment address' when I don't need shipping, especially not to my address?