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J5 safe path error

Started by jankoo, November 19, 2023, 19:44:27 PM

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hi. i install the latest VM on j5. but i cant open anything in vm because i get error "An error has occurred. 0 You must specify a non-empty path to clean"

i guess its the safe path issue. i can create folders manually, but have no idea where to set them, because i cant do it in joomla - vm backend..
where is this safe path setting? in some confing file? or in database?
thanks for any help.


Virtuemart for Joomla 5 has not been released yet


Hello Hazael,
I am looking for info about J5 compatibility and the search brought me here.
Do you know if there is any news about it?
Is there any forecast known about the J5-compatible release of Virtuemart?

Thanks in advance
