Version 4.2.0 registration of user does'nt work with Joomla 4.3.4 SEF enabled

Started by Alexb65, August 31, 2023, 13:16:33 PM

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VM  4.2.0 J 4.3.4

Registration of user does'nt work with Joomla 4.3.4 SEF enabled, it lead to a 404 page error

The problem appears both if I set up a menu pointing to registration form page or from the cart

Multi language site

Disabling J SEF option everything works fine, so it seems a kind of routing problem

Is anyone facing the same behaviour?


Adding a system redirect fixes the problem

The redirect shuld be like:


It seems that VM plugin that should do the redirect from Joomla registration page to VM one gets a wrong redirect that leads to a 404 page

I tried changing the plugin order (this iste is multilingual) with no luck