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when delete users admin acces to joomla denied

Started by 2dmaster, April 11, 2022, 19:25:31 PM

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when i  delete users admin acces to joomla denied

for reability try fix administrator record in #__user_usergroup_map and #__users joomla mysql tables.
30 min crached, please must cant delete admin in virtuemart !!!!!!!!


Sorry, VM admin is superadmin for Joomla, that is reason.
if you need other, then ask DEV team, but I think is wrong idea  - new portal for Joomla!, Virtuemart and other extensions
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Pinochico, you misunderstood him. He wants that we add a block, so that it is not possible to delete the admin accidently.

in j2.5 there was a block for that.
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Max, sorry, translation error

Ok, that sounds reasonable, and it probably should be, I just never tried, because whoever would intentionally delete the admin of the eshop - it doesn't make sense.
But even so, it should probably be better.  - new portal for Joomla!, Virtuemart and other extensions
XML Easy Feeder - feeds for FB, GMC,.. from products, categories, orders, users, articles, acymailing subscribers and database table
Virtuemart Email Manager - customs email templates
Import products for Virtuemart - from CSV and XML
Rich Snippets - Google Structured Data
VirtueMart Products Extended - Slider with products, show Others bought, Products by CF ID and others filtering products