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Details Botton + Search results

Started by entropia, January 01, 2020, 18:22:42 PM

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Hello everyone,
First of all this is the configuration:

Joomla! 3.9.14
Virtuemart 3.4.2
web site:

I have Create the library category
then all manufacturers (publishing houses)
then all the products (books)

I have two problems:

1) When I search some books title often happen that not be found in the results.

2) If I click the detail botton in a product found in the result afetr has been serched form searc bar every thing work properly.

2.1) If I clik the datail botton in a protuct found by click in a manufacter then in a product details, the sistem redirect me in the manufactuers page.

How can I solve this?

Thank you in advance for your help


I would suggest to use the VM 'Category Layout' in your shop link instead of the 'Manufacturer Layout'.

First change your 'Search by publisher' menu item to the VM Category Layout and set it to 'top level category' in the menu settings. Set 'Show categories' to Yes and 'Show products' to No.

Next create a VM 'Category Layout' menu item for each of your publishers and select the 'Search by publisher' menu as the parent item. Also set 'Select a Manufacturer' for each of these menu items.

You might have to experiment a little bit with different menu configuration setting in order to get a layout that you like.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?