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Change text on search button

Started by tgw, December 12, 2019, 17:05:55 PM

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where can I change the two texts at the search button?

The second line is English, although the configuration is in German.


The message is translated in the German language files. Perhaps first check if installing the latest version of the German language files from here: solves your problem.
Additional checks:
- Do you have a VM search module published, which has German as the selected language?
- Enable Joomla 'Debug Language' in order to find out if the file your-root-folder\language\de-DE\de-DE.com_virtuemart.ini is loaded and if you have any parsing errors. (The German translation of that text is in line 593)
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Hi jjk,
I now have actual languagefiles installed. Same as before. I have found the first text at line 406 instead of 591. Tht's working well.

With debug I get no errors.

So the only thing, I have to change is the content "Leave the search box empty to find all products, or enter a search term to find a specific product.".
I cannot find it in any languagefile. Can you help?


Line 404: COM_VIRTUEMART_SEARCH="Suche im Shop"
In the same German language file you should have
Line 593: COM_VM_SEARCH_DESC="Lassen Sie das Suchfeld leer um alle Produkte zu finden, oder geben Sie einen Suchbegriff ein, um ein bestimmtes Produkt zu finden."

If you have the above line 593 and it doesn't show up below the "Suche im Shop" button, what do you have in line 591?
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Hi jjk,
I just downloaded the languagepack again und uploaded it manually into the language directory.
Now I can find translations at line 406 and 591, There was noch COM_VM_SERACH_DESC before.

Everything works now.

Thx! :-) Have a nice weekend.