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parts of [product_attribute]

Started by acooper, June 01, 2019, 08:19:55 AM

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I need get parts of [product_attribute]
Of this attribute, I just need visible the (deliverydate) and (enddate)

[product_attribute] => { "102": { "10119": { "type": "rent", "deliverydate": "28\/06\/2019", "enddate": "30\/06\/2019" } } } [order_status] => F [intnotes] => [virtuemart_category_id] => 2 [virtuemart_manufacturer_id] => Array (
  • => 1 )


Use php function json_decode to get Your attributes.

Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.


Hi, sorry, got it not.
I can take the values that way;

Alugando por 3 Dia(s), de 25/05/2019 até 27/05/2019: R$ 15,00 (I do not need to bring the value)

foreach($this->orderDetails['items'] as $item) {
            $product_attribute = VirtueMartModelCustomfields::CustomsFieldOrderDisplay($item,'FE');
            echo $product_attribute;}

Studio 42

You need to write your own plugin "rent", so you can customize the display in order, cart, product details... and more


Studio 42

Depending the view, you have this functions in your plugin to modify
   function plgVmOnViewCartVM3(&$product, &$group, &$html) {

   function plgVmOnViewCartModuleVM3( &$product, &$group, &$html) {

   function plgVmDisplayInOrderBEVM3( &$product, &$group, &$html) {

   function plgVmDisplayInOrderFEVM3(&$product, &$group, &$html) {


Yes, have all

   function plgVmOnViewCartModuleVM3(&$product, &$pc, &$html) {
      if (empty($pc->custom_element) or $pc->custom_element != $this->_name) return false;
      if (empty($product->customProductData[$pc->virtuemart_custom_id][$pc->virtuemart_customfield_id])) return false;
      $items = $product->customProductData[$pc->virtuemart_custom_id];
      foreach ($items as $k =>$item) {
         if($pc->virtuemart_customfield_id == $k and JArrayHelper :: getValue($item, 'type') != 'purchase'
          and $deliverydate = $this->decodeDate(JArrayHelper :: getValue($item, 'deliverydate'), $pc)
           and $enddate = $this->decodeDate(JArrayHelper :: getValue($item, 'enddate'), $pc)) {
            $rent_days = floor((strtotime($enddate) - strtotime($deliverydate))/86400) + 1;
            if ($rent_days > 0) {
               $html .= '<div>';
               $html .= JText :: sprintf('PLG_FWVMR_RENT_FOR_DAYS', $rent_days, $this->encodeDate($deliverydate, $pc), $this->encodeDate($enddate, $pc));
               $html .= '</div>';
      return true;
   function plgVmOnViewCartVM3(&$product, &$pc, &$html) {
      if (empty($pc->custom_element) or $pc->custom_element != $this->_name) return false;
      if (empty($product->customProductData[$pc->virtuemart_custom_id][$pc->virtuemart_customfield_id])) return false;
      $items = $product->customProductData[$pc->virtuemart_custom_id];
      foreach ($items as $k =>$item ) {
         if ($pc->virtuemart_customfield_id == $k and JArrayHelper :: getValue($item, 'type') != 'purchase'
          and $deliverydate = $this->decodeDate(JArrayHelper :: getValue($item, 'deliverydate'), $pc)
           and $enddate = $this->decodeDate(JArrayHelper :: getValue($item, 'enddate'), $pc)) {

            $currency = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance();

            $rent_days = floor((strtotime($enddate) - strtotime($deliverydate))/86400) + 1;
            $per_period = (!empty($pc->price_per) and $pc->price_per == 'period');
            if (!empty($pc->count_first_day)) {

            if ($rent_days > 0) {
               $price = 0;
               if (!empty($pc->rent_sizes)) foreach ($pc->rent_sizes as $i => $rent) {
                  if (!empty($rent->rent_show) and $rent_days >= $rent->rent_start and $rent_days <= $rent->rent_end) {
                     if ($per_period) {
                        $price = $rent->rent_product_price;
                     } else {
                        $price = $rent->rent_product_price * $rent_days;
               $html .= JText :: sprintf('PLG_FWVMR_RENT_FOR_DAYS', $rent_days, $this->encodeDate($deliverydate, $pc), $this->encodeDate($enddate, $pc)).': '.$currency->getSymbol().' '.number_format($price * $product->quantity, 2, ",", ".").'<br/>';
               if ($pc->rent_product_deposit > 0) $html .= JText :: sprintf('PLG_FWVMR_INCLUDING_DEPOSIT').': '.$currency->getSymbol().' '.number_format($pc->rent_product_deposit * $product->quantity, 2, ",", ".").'<br/>';
               if (JArrayHelper :: getValue($item, 'insurance_option')) $html .= JText :: sprintf('PLG_FWVMR_INCLUDING_INSURANCE').': '.$currency->getSymbol().' '.number_format($pc->rent_product_insurance * $product->quantity, 2, ",", ".");
      return true;
   function plgVmDisplayInOrderBEVM3( &$product, &$pc, &$html) {
   function plgVmDisplayInOrderFEVM3( &$product, &$pc, &$html) {
      if (empty($pc->custom_element) or $pc->custom_element != $this->_name) return false;
      if (empty($product->customProductData[$pc->virtuemart_custom_id][$pc->virtuemart_customfield_id])) return false;
      $items = $product->customProductData[$pc->virtuemart_custom_id];
      foreach ($items as $k =>$item ) {
         if($pc->virtuemart_customfield_id == $k and JArrayHelper :: getValue($item, 'type') != 'purchase'
          and $deliverydate = $this->decodeDate(JArrayHelper :: getValue($item, 'deliverydate'), $pc)
           and $enddate = $this->decodeDate(JArrayHelper :: getValue($item, 'enddate'), $pc)) {

            $currency = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance();

            $rent_days = floor((strtotime($enddate) - strtotime($deliverydate))/86400) + 1;

            if ($rent_days > 0) {
               $price = $product->product_item_price - (($pc->rent_product_deposit > 0)?$pc->rent_product_deposit:0) - (JArrayHelper :: getValue($item, 'insurance_option')?$pc->rent_product_insurance:0);

               $html .= JText :: sprintf('PLG_FWVMR_RENT_FOR_DAYS', $rent_days, $this->encodeDate($deliverydate, $pc), $this->encodeDate($enddate, $pc)).': '.$currency->getSymbol().' '.number_format($price * $product->product_quantity, 2, ",", ".").'<br/>';
               if ($pc->rent_product_deposit > 0) $html .= JText :: sprintf('PLG_FWVMR_INCLUDING_DEPOSIT').': '.$currency->getSymbol().' '.number_format($pc->rent_product_deposit * $product->product_quantity, 2, ",", ".").'<br/>';
               if (JArrayHelper :: getValue($item, 'insurance_option')) $html .= JText :: sprintf('PLG_FWVMR_INCLUDING_INSURANCE').': '.$currency->getSymbol().' '.number_format($pc->rent_product_insurance * $product->product_quantity, 2, ",", ".");
      return true;

Studio 42

The code already extract it and display it formated.
So check the right function and modify the render
$html return the display inside the order and cart