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VM not adding products to cart. Need urgent help pls.

Started by baxterdown, January 10, 2019, 14:10:22 PM

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Hi everyone,

I recently updated a website to the latest version of VM, Joomla, and PHP. Sometime after the update VM started failing to add certain products to the cart. When the site visitor adds certain products to the cart, the ajax pop-up doesn't come up and the page transitions to the cart, which comes up empty. Other products work ok. I have not been able to identify the issue.

Here's an example of a product that will not add to the cart:

Here's an example of a product that works ok:

Turning on error reporting in Joomla shows en error with avatax plugin, but I'm not sure that's the culprit. Please see attached screenshot.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


GJC Web Design

U don't say what u upgraded from or to

neither of the links you provide add to cart for me  -- both go directly to an empty cart page but with a very weird url: etc

why isn't this /cart etc?

Try on a standard template or rename your  templates/rt_myriad/html/com_virtuemart  folder to check with std templates

I don't see the Avatax message .. is this only when u are logged in with a US address?
GJC Web Design
VirtueMart and Joomla Developers - php developers
VM4 AusPost Shipping Plugin - e-go Shipping Plugin - VM4 Postcode Shipping Plugin - Radius Shipping Plugin - VM4 NZ Post Shipping Plugin - AusPost Estimator
Samport Payment Plugin - EcomMerchant Payment Plugin - ccBill payment Plugin
VM2 Product Lock Extension - VM2 Preconfig Adresses Extension - TaxCloud USA Taxes Plugin - Virtuemart  Product Review Component
Contact for any VirtueMart or Joomla development & customisation


If I force your page to use Protostar then the add to cart works.

So it's something to do with your template or overrides.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum

Studio 42

Does your product have a price ?
YOu should try using price 0.001


Hi GJC and kenkinghill,

The first thing I tried was switching to protostar and indeed the functionality works. So I went to the template developer (RocketTheme) and posted in their support forum. The person that helped me said it's not the template and pointed to first the contacts module in Joomla and second the error with avatax (it's his screenshot I posted here). I don't see the avatax message either so I don't know how he was able to get it to pop up.

I uploaded as follows:

Joomla 3.8.2 to 3.9.1
PHP 7.0 to 7.2
VM 3.2.1 to 3.4.2

Studio 42, the product didn't have a price, just the overrides. I just added a price of 0.001 like you suggested and that didn't fix the issue.

I have another website that runs the same template and VM, which I recently updated in the same fashion. That site is working correctly.

One thing I noticed a few minutes ago is that it seems to be mostly on products that have overrrides. Straight forward products seem to be working ok.

Thanks so much for your quick replies! What other information can I provide to assist you in helping me?


Studio 42

probably a obsolete javascript in your template override, another problem can be a broken HTML(missing closing tag for eg).


Studio 42, I don't use the RockeTheme template for VM. I have the shop template set to Joomla default.

Any other ideas?


I don't know where to go next because the template provider says it's not the template.

I am desperate because the client sells admission tickets and one of the products that is not working is the admission ticket.

Do any of you provide paid support? If so, how do I contact you? I need to get this fixed today.

Best regards,


Studio 42

You can PM GJC Web Design or me using the message icon under the logo

Edit by root: You should be so fair and also mention the support provided by the leader of virtuemart
Max, i know you added this and i dont want to be unfair but :
He wrote : need urgent support ! Do you provide support the same day ? I dont have see any post last days in forum,  so i think you was not able to provide quick support!