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Invoice date is displaying the wrong date?

Started by mailblade, March 14, 2018, 10:17:47 AM

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For some reason my invoice and order date is displaying wrongly. I updated to PHP 5.6 and it seems the issue stems from this, as the orders were fine before this.

Please view the attached image for more information.

It's currently setting the date as "12 March 2018", when it should be "14 March 2018". For some reason the "COM_VIRTUEMART_UNKNOWN_ORDER_STATUS" is giving me reason to believe it's causing the error.

Anyone know what could be causing this issue?


OK I noticed in the back-end by shop configuration that I missed the "Shipped" email to be sent once an order is confirmed. I'll have to wait and see on the next order if the date is still wrong.


Nope still not working. Anyone know what could be wrong?


No VM version, no Joomla version ??

I would suggest some problem with a payment method.


Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.


Sorry about that. Latest Joomla and VirtueMart.

I think there was bad data in the database, so I re-installed the database from a local copy I made 3 days ago, and it seems the issue is resolved now. LUCKILY I made a backup of my site 3 days ago and this is what helped me.

Still don't know what went wrong but hopefully it's fixed now! I'll close the topic.

Thanks for your reply.