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Terms of Service link not showing Terms of service

Started by gri2a, August 15, 2017, 14:13:29 PM

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Ive been trolling through the forums and I just cant find an answer that works.
firstly I am using VM 3.2.2 on Joomla 3.7.4
I have SQLed the DB and zipped and then extracted the entire content of my site and have re-installed IDENTICAL versions on a Win64 Localhost, a Linux Localhost and even an Android local host. Same PHP, same MYSQL and same Apache (except Android which runs Lighttpd). All is stock standard. No hacks, no alterations. (The DB name and Userids are slightly different, so a quick mod of configuration.php to connect to the different DB names and all are in sync)
On my hosted site the URL (Click here to read terms of service and check the box to accept them.) DOESNT DO A THING. On all other environments, the link opens the modal/popup and displays the TOS
What could it be that stops the popup working on my hosted site (crazy domains) but it works every where else. Could it be a Curl or JS issue??
I would consider a hack, but everything Ive read so far (thats been successful) have been for earlier versions of VM, particularly VM1 and VM2


During the last few days Ive spent copious amounts of time trying to fix the TOS that I simply cant get to display.
Ive surrendered... I went into Config > Shopper Fields and switched of both "required" and "TOS"
Now both the checkbox to accept the terms and the message (the one that wont link to the TOS) are no longer displayed and the user can proceed without them.
No one reads the TOS anyway