After updating joomla I can't save vendors and can't confirm order

Started by tassoss, April 15, 2016, 10:30:24 AM

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I have updated joomla to 3.5.1 and virtuemart to 3.0.16 (PHP Version is 5.4.16.) unfortunately without a backup  :(

Since then, when I save a vendor nothing happens and when I try to confirm an order I am getting a white page and the customer does not receive the confirmation email.

I have read some forum posts such us:

but I cannnot figure out what is the problem.

I will appreciate your help.

p.s. I am not a php or programming guru :/


Enable PHP error reporting in VM to see what the errors are. If toolbar buttons don't work, clear browser cache.



thanks for your quick reply. I have cleared the browser cache before but the issues remain.

1. When I am trying to save a shopper/vendor I am getting the following:

vmdebug PHP 5.4
vmdebug Show All Errors
vmdebug LangCount: 1 $siteLang: el-GR self::$vmlangSef: self::$_jpConfig->lang el_gr DefLang el_gr
vmdebug vmTime: time to load config: 0.00565314292907715
vmdebug Start used Ram 8.5M
vmdebug Going to set pw fields unrequired
vmdebug Active vendor 1
vmdebug Vendor has managevendors and should see all
vmdebug No vendor currency given, fallback to main vendor Var1:


vmdebug vmTime: VirtueMartControllerUser Finished task user: 0.196846961975098
vmdebug End used Ram 15.5M
vmdebug Peak memory peak 15.5M

2. When I confirm an order I am getting this:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method VmVendorPDF::convertHTMLColorToDec() in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 129

Thanks again for your time and help.


In the vmpdf.php around line 129, I got the following coding

// Generate PDF header
if (!class_exists ('JFile')) {
require(VMPATH_LIBS . DS . 'joomla' . DS . 'filesystem' . DS . 'file.php');
$this->tcpdf6 = JFile::exists(VMPATH_LIBS.DS.'tcpdf'.DS.'include'.DS.'tcpdf_colors.php');
$this->tcpdf6 = method_exists('TCPDF','getAllSpotColors');
$getAllSpotColors = TCPDF::getAllSpotColors();
$vlfooterlcolor = TCPDF_COLORS::convertHTMLColorToDec($this->vendor->vendor_letter_footer_line_color,$getAllSpotColors);
} else {
$vlfooterlcolor = $this->convertHTMLColorToDec($this->vendor->vendor_letter_footer_line_color);

'', $this->vendor->vendor_letter_header_html,
array(0,0,0),$vlfooterlcolor );
$this->vendorAddress = shopFunctionsF::renderVendorAddress($this->vendor->virtuemart_vendor_id, "<br/>");
// Trim the final <br/> from the address, which is inserted by renderVendorAddress automatically!



Is the vendor image a png file? change to jpg. PDF Creation fails with png files.


Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.



It is a png file, but I cannot remove or change it because I cannot save the vendor. When I click the "save" button nothing happens.

The website is based on a "quickstart template", now that I am thinking about  it, I have deleted the default main vendor. Could this causing all the problems. I think I have set my account as the main vendor.

I got a bit confused now..  ???