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multilanguage Virtuemart 3.0.12 + Joomla 3.4.8

Started by robygrazi, March 09, 2016, 20:45:20 PM

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Hello everyone, I read various discussions and looked at the various links/guide on how to create a multilingual site with Virtuemart 3, but I have a doubt, if the site has already been created and wanted to go to the multilanguage have to redo all the products or is there a way to recover those already existing, because if i add a second language existing products disappear (including categories). Thanks in advance...

GJC Web Design

Quotebecause if i add a second language existing products disappear (including categories)

who says that?  are u deleting the existing language?
GJC Web Design
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No, I haven't deleted any language. In the VM configuration when I add the second language, the products disappear. If the re-take off the products visible return. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong...


Check your product tables in the database. I suppose you added italian descriptions into english tables. If this is the case, you can export the table(s) with phMyAdmin, open the file with an editor like for example 'Notepad++' and exchange 'en'  language tags with 'it'. Then rename the file xxxxx_virtuemart_products_en_gb to xxxxx_virtuemart_products_it_it and import it again.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Thank you, that was the problem.
So I exported ALL "en_gb" tables I and renamed as you told me, I've imported the new tables and everything fell into place.
Thank you so much for the information, you saved me...
Good week ... ;)