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Ordering of Shopper fields when ordering for Billto and Shipping address

Started by jdunderhill, January 31, 2016, 11:36:01 AM

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I am using VM 3.09 on Joomla 3

I am having trouble finding out which file(s) are responsible for displaying how the shopperfields are displayed for Billto and Shipping Address when a customer is going through the checkout process and has given their Billto address information

My site is displaying the address differently for BillTo and Shipping Address and I would just like to tidy it up a little to make it look more consistent

I have been looking on the forum posts and can't quite seem to identify which file I need to edit

I have attached a picture of the fields I would like to edit to display differently

Thanks in advance




You should not be using that VM version. It was a test/dev version (odd number) and is known to be insecure.

From the image you appear not to be using the default VirtueMart templates. So probably the address display template override is in [yourJoomlaTemplate]/html/com_virtuemart/cart/default_address.php

The split first/lastname in discussed somewhere else on this board, will need searching for.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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