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VM3 altable problem

Started by FlorianGeorgiev, December 17, 2015, 06:01:49 AM

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Hi, how do you explain the following situation:

J3.4.5, VM3.0.12, hosting - shared on HostGator

I upgraded from Joomla 2.5 to 3.4.5 and Virtuemart from 2.08a to 3.0.12. I had a lot of issues and troubles until i did this but anyway, the only problem I have now is that described in this topic - I get the message with the "altTables.." thing. First, when I attempt to save the changes from the Configuration menu, nothing happens for a minute, then the hosting says Error 405. When I try any other menu in the admin panel, this message with the AltTables raises.
max_execution_time is 30, memory 256MB.

Then I backuped my site with Akeeb Backup and run it on my PC with xampp.
max_execution_time is 30, memory 128MB. when I save some changes from the Configuration menu, it saves it immediately and there are ne such messages as AltTables.. something.

Me memory is even lower than the HostGator is, so how do you explain this?

Thanks in advance.


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Retired from forum life November 2023

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I have read that thread but this doesn't answer my question ..what's wrong ..or I have to ask HostGator without expecting an answer  ..I realize something changed between the versions of VM, php, mysql and all that stuff and there are two sides in this situation, so, could anyone suppose that HostGator is not the whole part of the problem, maybe the code in VM3 has something to do with this problem as well?

For me is unexplainable how this situation could generate a timeout. It's obvious that the things that the code should do are not that many, so a timeout here is a problem we could search in the code of the VM3 itself or the hosting's code (apache, php, mysql) and NOT in the volume of the work that VM code need to do.

This again says the sides are two. What I appeal is anyone looks for the problem in VM3, because it's very easy to blame the other side but not looking for your own problems.

GJC Web Design

but the proof is in the eating!

So.. VM3 might need more resources for saving/altering on a config save..

But it doesn't change the fact that a $5 a month Bluehost shared hosting and many many others I could name handle it without the slightest problem.. Hostgator can't.

I have been through this with former Hostgator clients.. Hostgators "help" is pre-configured emails with links to completely unconnected help topics or none..

Why would anyone want to stay with such a non-responsive host?  My european host would gets their hand dirty finding out why it times out and do it promptly & enthusiastically...  life's too short.. see the light.. vote with your feet.. (add any other cliché you deem appropriate) -- get a "good" host"
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