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PayFlow Pro module updated for VirtueMart 1.0.0 RC 3

Started by durian, November 16, 2005, 20:06:34 PM

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Here's the PayFlow Pro payment module I wrote updated for VirtueMart 1.0.0 RC3.  You do need one additional patch found in this bug report:

ps_pfp.cfg.php -> administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/payment
ps_pfp.php -> administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/payment

english.php.diff -> administrator/components/com_virtuemart/languages/english.php
ps_order.php.diff -> administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_order.php

Does anyone know what I need to do to get this integrated into VirtueMart officially?


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The future of eCommerce: VirtueMart & Joomla!


I did just discover one typo.  repsonse instead of response in the credit card not accepted path.  The typo prevented the user from seeing why the transaction was denied.  I'm attaching a revised patch.

Other than that it works for me.  It authorizes the card on checkout, captures the card on shipping and will void the authorization transaction if the the order is cancelled.

But then the other version of ps_pfp also worked for me and your comment implies that there might have been a problem with my mambo-phpShop patch, so your milage may vary.  I'm certainly open to feedback.


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I have adapted your changes and integrated them into VirtueMart. They will be part of the final release of VirtueMart 1.0.0.

Thanks and let me know of there is something we should now about this payment method.

ciao, Soeren
The future of eCommerce: VirtueMart & Joomla!



Install payflow pro sdk and enter user information but error message this below.

Error: User authentication failed

Error: Failure in Processing the Payment (ps_pfp)

Login ID, Partner ID and password is right.

pls help .


Mike C

I'm in the planning phase for my new Joomla site...To this day I still don't fully understand the gateway deal.  Back in 2000, it was originally Cybercash, then it was Verisign and now Paypal owns Verisign, correct?  I go to to deal with transactions.  I recently discovered I can also go to and login with the same info there.  Upon doing so, it says I'm using Payflow Pro.  So am I to understand this correctly that everyone who was using is now a Payflow Pro user?

If so, will I have any issue using Virtuemart with my current setup? Or is this gateway already integrated?

Thanks ahead of time for clearing this up for me...


I don't know what to tell you.  Something isn't configured correctly.  You'll need to double-check your PayFlow Pro SDK installation, etc.  I'm afraid it is nothing I can help you with.

Mike C,
Paypay bought Verisign, but aside from your monthly bill coming from Paypal instead of Verisign, nothing has changed.  Payflow Pro is still PFP regardless of how you access the online interface.  I didn't know you could access your account through, but I guess it doesn't surprise me.  I still use

As a PFP customer, you should have received notification of the ownership change back when Paypal bought Verisign.  I'm sure you can find details about it at


Mike C

That's another thing I don't quite understand.  We never get a bill from Verisign or Paypal, ever.  The only bill we get is from Bank of America Merchant Account which includes the merchant fees.  Do those merchant fees include the fee for Verisign/Paypal gateway?

Yep, if you go to and fill in your partner, merchant login and password, it'll take you right in.  Basically the same interface with a few differences...


You got me.  Maybe you have a different partner and they bill you?  Our partner is Verisign and our bill comes from them.  We also get another bill from our merchant account vendor.

Mike C

I have no idea.  I do know that one time we called Verisign to ask them something and they ended up shutting us down and it was an entire week before we got back up and running, all due to some customer service person's mistake.  So I'm verrrry hesitant to rock the boat and change anything...

Mike C

Our processing partner is Vital (whomever they are) and we don't get a bill from them, just from BofA, our merchant account.   When I go to setup the Payflow Pro gateway in Virtuemart, what information will I need? We use the partner, merchant login and password to get into the terminal.  Is there anything else I will need for a hopefully smooth transition?


My company changed the way it distributes our product, and we no longer sell direct.  That means, I no longer use VirtueMart or the PayFlow Pro module I wrote.  The said, I believe all you need to do is install the PFP SDK (available for download from and then configure the VirtueMart through the PFP module interface.  Fill in all the configuration values and you should be in business.

I did happen to glance through VirtueMart's release notes for the current version and I saw something that said the PFP module had been removed from VirtueMart since VeriSign has a downloadable SDK.  If so this was a mistake.  To use PFP with VirtueMart, you need both the SDK and the PFP payment module.  The SDK alone is not enough.  Maybe I misunderstood the release note.  In any case, I'm no longer the right person to try to bring back that change since I no longer use VirtueMart.


Mike C

Question: What is a reasonable price to pay someone to do what you said:
"To use PFP with VirtueMart, you need both the SDK and the PFP payment module."
Is this super difficult work?


You need to download the SDK from  They've got versions for all sorts of OSes.  Then you need the PayFlow Pro PHP extension.  This was included with PHP4, so it's just a matter of building PHP4 with the proper configuration arguments.  Lastly, you need the PFP code that is (or maybe was) part of VirtueMart.  Configuring the PFP part of VirtueMart shouldn't be a big deal.  Just fill in the blanks based on how you installed the other components.

Personally, I use FreeBSD.  There are ports for the PayFlow Pro SDK and PHP PayFlow Pro extension.  Installing them is just a matter of 'cd /usr/ports/finance/php4-pfpro; make install'.  If you are using a different OS, then you'll probably need to put more effort into it.  How difficult this will be will depend on your skill set.

I have no idea what you'd pay someone to do this work, but I would not describe it as super difficult.  Good luck.

Mike C

I have a basic understanding of everything you said except for this:

QuoteThen you need the PayFlow Pro PHP extension.  This was included with PHP4, so it's just a matter of building PHP4 with the proper configuration arguments.

If this extension was included with PHP4, and it's the webserver that is running PHP4, wouldn't that mean that my webhost would need it?  If so, how do I check to see if my webhost has that extension installed? Or am I totally confused?
