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Translate Availiability - Products Out of Stock are orderable

Started by natax, July 23, 2015, 12:56:29 PM

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At the VM configuration you can check "Products Out of Stock are orderable, and the field 'Availability' below is displayed"
so you can order the product with the notice that you will have to wait 2-3 or whatever days...

I want to have different words for the 2 languages for the TEXT of availability. NO image, text only.

The override doesn't work.

I am using constant= AVAILABILITY_2-3DAYS

English text= Availability: 2-3 days

Greek text= Διαθεσιμότητα 2-3 ημέρες

it takes the constant text !

Any suggestion would be much appreciated.


      I just tested with the following:

      Entered the following key into the availability text field: COM_VIRTUEMART_AVAILABLILITY_TEXT_2TO3D

      Went to the Joomla 'Language Manager' > 'Overrides' > 'English (en-GB -Site)' and also entered COM_VIRTUEMART_AVAILABLILITY_TEXT_2TO3D into the 'Language constant' field and 'Availability: 2-3 Days' into the 'Text' field.

      Went to the Joomla 'Language Manager' > 'Overrides' > 'English (de-DE -Site)' and also entered COM_VIRTUEMART_AVAILABLILITY_TEXT_2TO3D into the 'Language constant' field and 'Lieferbar in: 2-3 Tagen' into the 'Text' field.

      You would select el-GR - Site instead of de-DE - Site of course.

      This does work fine in my case.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


thank you for your answer but it doesn't work. I have done the same only the text is different.
but with COM_VIRTUEMART_AVAILABLILITY_TEXT_2TO3D it is not working either
Also I have the problem that with the option at the configuration VM
Products Out of Stock are orderable, and the field 'Availability' below is displayed
the cart is not working!
when I press the add to cart button the pop up shows only the title of the product without adding the product to the cart.
any suggestion?