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Wholesale Users and Wholesale user register

Started by pcnetlab, May 13, 2015, 12:21:11 PM

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I would like to ask you:

1) a way to create a users group for only Wholesale users which connects automatically with the Wholesale Shopper group
2) I need to create a menu item that's only for the Wholesale users and appears when they login (I know that i must ask that in the Joomla forum, but if you know the way just tell me  ;) )

Till now i have created a Shopper group for Wholesale users, and i created also a user group for the registered users who will be only for wholesale.
I tried to connect in some way those two, but it seems it is done only manually.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.

P.S. Currently using VirtueMart 3.0.9 and Joomla! 3.4.0 in PHP Version    5.5.6