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Top menu bar not appearing on multilingual VM

Started by guybr, May 08, 2015, 10:47:30 AM

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Hi, I'm using VM 2.6.6 with Joomla 2.5.28 and have installed German and Hebrew. I've translated the categories but for some reason the top menu bar (atomic template) doesn't appear. On English pages it does. In Joomla pages and VM front page the menu appears fine for all 3 languages. Only in VM do I gave the problem.

Any ideas what's wrong?


What are you using to manage the translations?


I installed the Joomla and VM language packages

Basically, what is supposed to happen once I translate all my categories? Because I also don't see any products showing...

Studio 42

Perhaps the language filter is active and you have set the default language link to this menu.
YOu have then to do another menu with your second language and use the same position, then on changing langue the menu are displayed and set properly.


Hi, what I have is this:

4 top-bar menus: one for "all languages", one for "EN-UK", one for German and one for Hebrew
- each one has one menu link set as the default (Joomla homepage)
- they all have a link to the VM store homepage (not set as "default)

I have to correct an inaccuracy I made before: the only reason my English pages show the top bar is because the "all languages" menu is being displayed even though I doing QA on the EN-UK version of the site. But if I deactivate that menu and try to get the EN-UK menu (or the German or the Hebrew menus) to display, say, using Metamod (or without), it doesn't appear on VM pages other than the home page.

What is supposed to occur when we make our VM store multilingual? Does the VM platform take care of displaying the translated menus per language or do we actually need something like Metamod to force those menus to appear per language?

What is also wierd, is that although I duplicated the breadcrumbs module and assigned one to each of the 4 languages (each with its unique "home page" label), in German for example, the breadcrumbs will initially display the correct German label, but once I enter a category or sub-category page, the site homepage and the store homepage revert to English (even though the URL is for the German pages)... the Category/sub-category page names presently display correctly in German... Any ideas why this is happening?

Regarding the products not appearing: I thought they all show up once I assign translated category names -??

an update: having cleared my cache my URLs to German category/subcategory pages either redirect me back to my German site hompage or lead to me 404 error pages... Those pages and their category icons existed until a few moments ago. Any suggestions what's gone awry?

Studio 42

Most of case, i do it so:
one menu having only the default HOME link. No module assigned.
create 1 menu and menu link with my main language(eg. de-DE), better is to add language for all this links.
create 1 menu  and batch copy the menu(de-DE) in an other language changing the Language on batch copy.
DO same for each language.


I want to check if this is okay:

I started with a menu set to "all languages", with 1 default link (joomla article as home page) and another 7 links.

When I made the site multilingual I batch copied the menu and made 3 copies - one in En-Uk, one in German and one in Hebrew (each with translated menu item names, each one linked to a copy of some other page/module).

So far it looks like that worked fine - but the  multilingual menus only appeared on the VM homepage, and not on any other VM pages.

From what I described can you tell what's not working?

ALSO: is there a way to mass associate products with a language?

Studio 42

Perhaps the problem is here
Quote from: guybr on May 10, 2015, 19:01:03 PM
I started with a menu set to "all languages", with 1 default link (joomla article as home page) and another 7 links.