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Problem with the latest version TCPDF

Started by ian72, February 13, 2015, 09:57:05 AM

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I have a big problem with TCPDF. I use VirtueMart 3.0.4 and Joomla! 3.3.6.

VirtueMart i website works correctly. Only with TCPDF I have a problem.

When using the latest version 6.2.6 is not possible to complete the order. After confirmation of the order is a white screen, nothing more. In the backend but u already generated orders can generate PDF invoices.

Old version 5.9.206 works. The order can be completed. But I can not generate PDF invoices. Info: TCPDF ERROR: The XObject Template '-1' does not exist! and white screen.

Please advise me. Thank you very much for the advice.
