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Problems with virtuemart_customs table during migration

Started by akerd, December 14, 2014, 23:59:22 PM

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I have some problem with virtuemart_customs table that seems it has not been udpated correctly during the migration from VM2 to VM3.
In noticed that because I receive a lot of errors similar to the following in the frontend

vmError: getCustomEmbeddedProductCustomFields error in query Unknown column 'c.is_input' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT c.`virtuemart_custom_id`, c.`custom_parent_id`, c.`virtuemart_vendor_id`, c.`custom_jplugin_id`, c.`custom_element`, c.`admin_only`, c.`custom_title`, c.`show_title` , c.`custom_tip`, c.`custom_value`, c.`custom_desc`, c.`field_type`, c.`is_list`, c.`is_hidden`, c.`is_cart_attribute`, c.`is_input`, c.`layout_pos`, c.`custom_params`, c.`shared`, c.`published`, c.`ordering`, field.`virtuemart_customfield_id`, field.`virtuemart_product_id`, field.`customfield_value`, field.`customfield_price`, field.`customfield_params`, field.`published` as fpublished, field.`override`, field.`disabler`, field.`ordering` FROM `DianaGoroup_virtuemart_customs` AS c LEFT JOIN `DianaGoroup_virtuemart_product_customfields` AS field ON c.`virtuemart_custom_id` = field.`virtuemart_custom_id` WHERE `virtuemart_product_id` IN (848) AND c.`published` = "1" ORDER BY field.`ordering`,`virtuemart_custom_id` ASC

So I decided to install a fresh J2.5 + VM3 installation by downloading the package from your site and in fact comparing the two tables structures they are different.
First big is difference is that the is_input column is missing in mine and  there are minor differences on other columns too.

I performed the update process from beginning at least 3 times but I always reach the same point.
Do you have some suggestions for me? Thank you in advance.


For database errors, under Tools use the "Install or if necessary update tables " function.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Hi Jenkin,
I did as suggested by you this is the result of the operation.

created table xxx_virtuemart_adminmenuentries
created table xxx_virtuemart_calcs
created table xxx_virtuemart_calc_categories
created table xxx_virtuemart_calc_manufacturers
created table xxx_virtuemart_calc_shoppergroups
created table xxx_virtuemart_calc_countries
created table xxx_virtuemart_calc_states
created table xxx_virtuemart_categories
created table xxx_virtuemart_category_categories
created table xxx_virtuemart_category_medias
created table xxx_virtuemart_countries
created table xxx_virtuemart_coupons
created table xxx_virtuemart_carts
created table xxx_virtuemart_currencies
created table xxx_virtuemart_customs
created table xxx_virtuemart_invoices
created table xxx_virtuemart_manufacturers
created table xxx_virtuemart_manufacturer_medias
created table xxx_virtuemart_manufacturercategories
created table xxx_virtuemart_medias
created table xxx_virtuemart_migration_oldtonew_ids
created table xxx_virtuemart_modules
created table xxx_virtuemart_orders
created table xxx_virtuemart_order_histories
created table xxx_virtuemart_order_items
created table xxx_virtuemart_order_calc_rules
created table xxx_virtuemart_orderstates
created table xxx_virtuemart_order_userinfos
created table xxx_virtuemart_paymentmethods
created table xxx_virtuemart_paymentmethod_shoppergroups
created table xxx_virtuemart_products
created table xxx_virtuemart_product_categories
created table xxx_virtuemart_product_shoppergroups
created table xxx_virtuemart_product_customfields
created table xxx_virtuemart_product_medias
created table xxx_virtuemart_product_manufacturers
created table xxx_virtuemart_product_prices
created table xxx_virtuemart_rating_reviews
created table xxx_virtuemart_ratings
created table xxx_virtuemart_rating_votes
created table xxx_virtuemart_shipmentmethods
created table xxx_virtuemart_shipmentmethod_shoppergroups
created table xxx_virtuemart_shoppergroups
created table xxx_virtuemart_states
created table xxx_virtuemart_vmusers
created table xxx_virtuemart_vmuser_shoppergroups
created table xxx_virtuemart_userfields
created table xxx_virtuemart_userfield_values
created table xxx_virtuemart_userinfos
created table xxx_virtuemart_vendors
created table xxx_virtuemart_vendor_medias
created table xxx_virtuemart_waitingusers
created table xxx_virtuemart_worldzones
created table xxx_virtuemart_products_it_it
created table xxx_virtuemart_vendors_it_it
created table xxx_virtuemart_categories_it_it
created table xxx_virtuemart_manufacturers_it_it
created table xxx_virtuemart_manufacturercategories_it_it
created table xxx_virtuemart_paymentmethods_it_it
created table xxx_virtuemart_shipmentmethods_it_it

but the error about missing is_input column in table xxx_virtuemart_customs is still there.

Let me know if I should enable some debug settings to better undestand the problem or if you have other suggestions.


Could it be that I missed some upgrade steps before moving from VM2 to VM3?

I did a search on virtuemart_customs alteration introduced in VM3 code and the only I found was

            'custom_field_desc' => '`custom_desc` char(255) COMMENT \'description or unit\'',

no references on column 'is_input' and others columns


I found the problem. It was related to a bad character casing on tables prefix.


you found the problem but did not share what you actually did to fix it?
please provide I have the same error.

GJC Web Design

As happens so often I'm afraid ... 

did you->
QuoteFor database errors, under Tools use the "Install or if necessary update tables " function.
GJC Web Design
VirtueMart and Joomla Developers - php developers
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Contact for any VirtueMart or Joomla development & customisation


Quote from: derekk on February 05, 2015, 19:26:26 PM
you found the problem but did not share what you actually did to fix it?
please provide I have the same error.

as I said in my case the problem was related to a bad character casing on tables prefix in Joomla configuration.php