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iPad cut and paste problem

Started by perryworld, November 13, 2014, 15:51:52 PM

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One of our clients is trying to add products using their iPad but have an issue when they copy some text from one page and then try to paste it into the product description field.
they said if they paste into another app, like a text editor is does paste the content in.

Everything works fine when on a laptop.

Any help would be great



Just a quick update on this.

It seems to be only in the product full description that we have this problem
If we paste into the short description it works fine

Any ideas?


I am sorry, no clue. At least we need to know more about the browser of the Pad. Standard Safari? Maybe it is the editor? JCE, tiny?
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Hi perry,

I use an iPad. I use JCE editor and tiny..
I can copy from one product description into both .. Short and long descriptions..
I did find that you just have to take a little time..when clicking into the short or long descriptions. It works better to paste when the key board is visible on screen.. If using an iPad you should understand what that means..

Sorry but I tested this many times as I use it to add products and clone products quite a few times .. Using JCE for a  time