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vmError: Access restricted to Vendor and Administrator only

Started by firefox_mig, September 19, 2014, 11:27:32 AM

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Joomla 2.5.24
Virtuemart 2.6.6


I want change some data in shop like telephone and upload logo, but when I apply the change, shows this error being my profile superuser

        vmError: Nombre de usuario en uso
        vmError: Access restricted to Vendor and Administrator only (you are admin and should not see this messsage?)

Somebody could help about this issue,please?


GJC Web Design

I guess check that your are the vendor (i.e. shop owner) - if not you can set this in the VM Database tools- Migration
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Same problem: "vmError: Access restricted to Vendor and Administrator only".

Any idea?


QuoteVM. 2.6.10 - J 2.5.24 - PHP 5.3.x

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Before,thanks for you reply. I set the owner accessing Tools and Migration>Migration tab> and set the user id. It happen the same error.Also i´ve created another super user> and set the new onwner. After i set the user like vendor and appears the same error. I think something is blocking the user.