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Ask a question doesn't send mail to customer/questioner is it correct?

Started by scooper1, August 12, 2014, 20:11:03 PM

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hi all,
when someone  click on "Ask a question about this product" virtuemart 1.x send an email to shopper and an email to questioner.

With virtuemart 2.6.6 email arrives only at the adminitrator and no email has sent to questioner.
Is it correct or i have something wrong in my configuration?

thanks in advance for your answer

[attachment cleanup by admin]

GJC Web Design

just tried on my with a clean install - only the admin got a email
GJC Web Design
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thank you GJC with your answer i finish to search around the web a possible solution  :)
i think it was an useful feature, in this way people are not sure they have made answer or inserted a wrong email.


It is very easily misused for Spam, please check the options in vm config
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hi milbo,
could you please be more  clear? is it possible or not?
i attached my configuration and it doesn't work
thank you

[attachment cleanup by admin]


I too would love to know if and how this is possible, i"ve been trying to make a core hack to ge this too work, but no success so far.


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Quote from: scooper1 on August 12, 2014, 20:11:03 PM
hi all,
when someone  click on "Ask a question about this product" virtuemart 1.x send an email to shopper and an email to questioner.

With virtuemart 2.6.6 email arrives only at the adminitrator and no email has sent to questioner.
Is it correct or i have something wrong in my configuration?

That is correct. In VM2.x the 'Ask a question' email is sent only to the Administrator or vendor.
As far as I know, the copy to the questioner was disabled in order to prevent spam emails to the questioner.  (The 'Ask a question' form is actively targeted by Spambots. So you need to install a proper spam protection if you want to use it)
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