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How to link "call for price" button to contact page

Started by cdh992, August 06, 2014, 11:58:15 AM

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Hi, when I leave the price on a product empty I get a button 'call for price' which links to an ask a question form on a separate page. I want to link the button to my contact page instead. Can anyone help me with this please?

Greatly appreciate any help!


I am woking in joomla 2.5.22 and virtuemart 2.6.6


I am woking in joomla 2.5.22 and virtuemart 2.6.6


GJC Web Design

you need to add some logic in your default_addtocart.php over ride to show the link you want

around the if (!( VmConfig::get('askprice', 0) and empty($tmpPrice) ) ) {  statement
GJC Web Design
VirtueMart and Joomla Developers - php developers
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Contact for any VirtueMart or Joomla development & customisation


Thanks for the reply... I have just tried your suggestion but I still can't get it to link. Please bear with me as I am a beginner, this is the link I have placed around the statement:

   <a href=""><?php
         } else {
            $tmpPrice = (float) $this->product->prices['costPrice'];
         if (!( VmConfig::get('askprice', 0) and empty($tmpPrice) ) ) {

Is that right as it doesn't seem to work.



Solved it!  :D  Had to link it from default_showprices.php.