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Paypal - Discriminated items on PP Bill

Started by john-doe, July 09, 2014, 18:51:04 PM

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Greetings it's me again with the paypal plugin

I'm trying to deliver the prices before tax, the taxes and the shipping values to paypal.

What is the problem:

My boss used to use standard Paypal API and had the tax management and shipping there on paypal.
Now that the site is managed with virtuemart points the following things:

Now that virtuemart handles the taxes the report where they should be shown markes it Tax 0.
Shipping is maked 0.
Handling has the Shipping Value.

What is the issue here.
well the amount of the item(s) appears with the tax included (e.g. Item costs 130$ with tax costs 140.40$ and in pay pal appears as the second)

I need that appears in paypal the item value(s) and the taxes separated.

What i have tried at the moment?
I was editing plugins\vmpayment\paypal\paypal\helpers\paypalstd.php

Well before so my boss asked me to include some custom fields data on the paypal invoice. Thing that successfully did. Following the API of paypal.
While finding how to do so i tried to extract taxes and show them at the invoice, but what was the problem: it was shown bur added to the invoice, marking as i'm billing twice the tax.
In the same logic i tried to edit plugins\vmpayment\paypal\paypal\helpers\paypal.php into the function getProductAmount to get the price before tax. I reached to get it but only works if something is bought as ONE item. Once i add several items of the same product the amount gets strangely with a number outside of any logic ( in other words and order around 320$ in virtuemart went to paypal as an order for 1450$!)

I wish to know if there is a way to spread those values so they appear on the paypal reports (at least taxes) and if needed i can re-integrate the custom fields info for invoice.

Thanks in advance


This modus exists, yes. But there is a problem with the rounding then. Because papyal rounds less exact. Why you do not want to use the invoice system of vm?
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


VM is the system of record

Use VM data for invoicing, NOT the payment handler.

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Quote from: Milbo on July 15, 2014, 08:44:56 AM
This modus exists, yes. But there is a problem with the rounding then. Because papyal rounds less exact. Why you do not want to use the invoice system of vm?

Before setting Virtuemart my boss used to manage via paypal all the store details (store used to be html static) and they are used to get all the reports from paypal, and they are hard to convince to switch to VM invoice system.

Unfortunately my boss ordered me to supress the Tax rules from VM to send them back to paypal so they want the reports in the same manner to which they are accustomed.

This is frustrating but i wanted to get a solution since i never had contact to their way to manage their reports so i went in the dark and after i open the VM site they were asking me that what happen with this kind of things or those.


Hmm that is a mess, but I guess they want what they have already

Change can be hard to manage.

Unfortunately I do not have asolution for your issue

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1