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how the products are sorted

Started by owegen, July 01, 2014, 06:40:06 AM

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Hello everyone,

Hope I'm in the right sections of the forum for this question.

I have noticed that my products are not everywhere sorted at the same way.

this page seems to be right, products are sorted by description :
this page is not correct, I find "ultralight" product at the top and at the bottom:

is there a difference depending of the product?

Many thanks for your help.

PHP version:5.3.23
Joomla version: 2.5.22 Stable
VirtueMart version: 2.6.6


Since this is an older post, perhaps you have already figured this out?

1st, check your Product order Settings tab within VM Config.

also when displaying products in the backend there is a reorder column where you can specify the order for the products.  I believe when ordering is selected within Product order Settings tab, then is uses this ordering column.