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com-virtuemart-menu-paymentmethods being added to menu urls

Started by dsrpmedia, May 07, 2014, 03:59:22 AM

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I`ve been developing in VM  for a while & have not come across anything quite like this

when I am creating menu items for my main menu (joomla 2.5.19 vm 2.6.0.) - not items related to VM or the cart, but regular content items - there is a line 'com-virtuemart-menu-paymentmethods' being added to the url string eg instead of
I get

but not on every page - it seems very random - has anyone ever came across this before - or any ideas on how to fix?

thank you!


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Hello guys i have solved the issue in virtuemart URL .please go to the menu manager select your main menu and in top right side there is rebuild option click on it
problem is solved