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Enlarge image in mouseover

Started by konpatsogiannis, April 09, 2014, 03:46:23 AM

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I have made the following change:

When I click a product image in category, it links you in product details.

Is there any way to have an enlarged image when I mouseover?


Ok you can use any Jquery plugin/or code (sorry not an expert in Jquery), but mainly you have two options
1- use jquery code in your category view file
2- download any code module and put this code in it, then publish it on your category pages

Both will work very well, i have done a lot of times, normall i get the code from the internet, making any needed changes in view files, and the Job is done.
a professional PHP Web Developer at Mega Business Solutions! Web Design & Development Company


Current versions are coded so that the image links direct to the product details. That is by popular request of users and to make it simpler for the shopper to get to the product details page. You can change the function using template overrides and using Joomla's modal of VM's fancybox.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Quote from: jenkinhill on April 09, 2014, 11:48:20 AM
Current versions are coded so that the image links direct to the product details. That is by popular request of users and to make it simpler for the shopper to get to the product details page. You can change the function using template overrides and using Joomla's modal of VM's fancybox.

I have the latest version. Where can I find this option sir?

Thank you for answering.


Quote from: megabs on April 09, 2014, 06:45:37 AM
Ok you can use any Jquery plugin/or code (sorry not an expert in Jquery), but mainly you have two options
1- use jquery code in your category view file
2- download any code module and put this code in it, then publish it on your category pages

Both will work very well, i have done a lot of times, normall i get the code from the internet, making any needed changes in view files, and the Job is done.

I am not a big php expert. Do you have any detailed example available?If it is for VM even better


Quote from: konpatsogiannis on April 09, 2014, 03:46:23 AM
I have made the following change:

When I click a product image in category, it links you in product details.

Is there any way to have an enlarged image when I mouseover?

Check following two links with source code. Hope it can at least offer some clue for you. ;)


Quote from: konpatsogiannis on April 09, 2014, 15:24:29 PM
I am not a big php expert. Do you have any detailed example available?If it is for VM even better

You can search for information with  the keyword "image tooltip for virtuemart" or need a development to support. - How to Joomla!
Joomla! & VirtueMart Pro Support. - 14 steps to creating a Joomla! website with video clip tutorials