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Problem Update 2.0.20b to 2.0.26d

Started by gcarne, April 03, 2014, 03:09:22 AM

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Using Joomla 2.5 and localhost/XAMPP

I did the update from 2.0.20b to 2.0.26d using Joomla Extension Manager and The update went smooth and in Joomla all looked fine (no error messages), but online the site is now a BIG mess. The home page and all menu items not relating to VM2 are ok and like they originally were, but the pages of every menu item using VM2 has changed fonts, has full screen width, company logo is from the wrong image file etc. etc. After updating the core and viewing the mess, I also updated AIO and VM Tables. Also tried deactivating my overrides, but that made it even worse.

I have a working backup with 2.0.20b  ???

What did I do wrong here?


Maybe your virtuemart has been customized without using template override, so after updating the new files replaces the old files (customized).

You can customize the new file or restore your website then make a template override for your customized file before update. - How to Joomla!
Joomla! & VirtueMart Pro Support. - 14 steps to creating a Joomla! website with video clip tutorials


Thanks for your reply jtut. It is very likely that I do not completely understand the concept of overrides and that I do it wrong. 

1) I have now restored the site my to where it was before the update and confirmed all was ok.

2) I checked the directories and files in <myJoomla>=>templates=><myTemplate>=>html=>com_virtuemart which as far as I could judge looked ok.

3) Then I changed to below listed settings in VirtueMart=>Configuration=>Templates and saved:

Select the default template for your Shop = "Use Joomla default"  (this should be the same as the only other only option in the drop-down which is <myTemplate>)
Category Template = "Use Joomla default"  (this should be the same as the other only option in the drop-down which is <myTemplate>)
Category Layout = "default"
Product layout  = "default"
Layout for your home page  = "default"

4) I updated to 2.0.26d with confirmation that all was ok. I got an additional message that a certain folder could not be deleted, but think that folder is irrelevant to the the update.

My site is after this still in the same big mess and it only concerns the pages from VM2, all other pages are ok. I get a couple of notices about "undefined property" in cart.php which should not have anything to do with my big mess.

Did I do the settings in position 3) above correctly? Have I missed out on anything else here? Any help is appreciated because I really hope I not have to set up the entire site from scratch again.

CORRECTION: It looks like it should say "No override" instead of "Default" in the VM2 Configuration=>Template fields mentioned above. My problem with the messy layout is probably a changed css-file. I will just have to find out which one.



restore you 20b first. Download all virtuemart files from /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/* and /components/com_virtuemart/*. Or use it from your backup.

Download the original Virtuemart files of 20b from

Now compare the files in the folders of your installation with the original ones.

Come back here with what you found out. ;-)

So long
Stefan Schumacher - VirtueMart Invoice Layouts

Please use only stable versions with even numbers for your live shop! Use Alpha versions only if you know what risk you are taking.


Hallo Stefan and thanks for helping a blind duck. . .

I have spend hours on end on this without finding the reason for my problem. I copied the original directories/files from the zip, I compared files in Notepad++ (not all of-course, but the "suspicious" ones), I changed my settings in the VirtueMart Configuration. After update to 26d my problem was still there and I have now given up hope on somehow doing the update on that site. I still believe I messed around with one of the original css-files ("above" the templates folder) in the early days of not knowing how to do things properly and that I created the problem very much myself.

I now created a "clean" site based on the template named AS002051 which I purchased, I updated to Joomla 2.5.19, added my extensions and, believe it or not, without doing anything special, it had 26d. I do not know how 26d got in there, perhaps my update from Joomla 2.5.xx to 2.5.19 did it, I do not know, but 26d is miraculously there and I do not ask why. This new clean site of-course has none of my own stuff in it like logo, menus, language de-DE and en-GB, categories, products, custom fields, images, my own custom invoices and delivery notes etc. etc. I now have two simple questions left before deciding on how to proceed and hope you have the opportunity to assist with a comment or two.

Q1: To prepare for future updates, do I set the fields in VirtueMart=>Configuration=>Templates to:

       (a) "Use Joomla default" or "AS002051 - default" in first two fields (AS002051 is defaulted as site in the Joomla Template Manager)

       (b) "No override" or "default" in the other three fields?

Q2: I have tons of work to set up the new site from scratch. Is it time saving and relativity easy to migrate
       things like categories (only two), products (parents and children, about altogether 100 of them)?
       Can I for instance do that by copying the VirtueMart relevant folders located in the template directory? It
       would save me four to five days of work.

Viele Grüße von Darmstadt,


Hi Gunnar,

a) If your default Joomla-Template is AS002051, then the first setting would use your Joomla default, what is AS002051, the second "AS002051 - default" would use AS002051, so which ever you choose, you walk on the same road. But to keep it simple, use the same setting everywhere.

b) "No override" means, you will use the VM core files, if you have an override in your template for that view, you will not see the override. "Default" will use the override from the template, if there is one, otherwise the VM core files. So you might want to set it to "Default".

- Check out CSVI to export all your products from the old store.
- Copy all your product pictures into the same directory like before.
- Install CSVI on the new site, import your products.

So short
Stefan Schumacher - VirtueMart Invoice Layouts

Please use only stable versions with even numbers for your live shop! Use Alpha versions only if you know what risk you are taking.


Good stuff Stefan,

I have read many tutorials and threads on overrides and this is the first time that I have seen a description that is clear and unambiguous concerning the actual settings in VM Template Configuration. The thing with CSVI looks to be what I need. I will check it out and use.

Thanks a lot          ;D 