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error at login

Started by domifry, March 27, 2014, 12:39:33 PM

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when someone try to login I got this error:

JSite -> dispatch() @ /xxxindex.php:42
JError :: raiseError() @ xxx/includes/application.php:205
JError :: raise() @ xxx/libraries/joomla/error/error.php:251

You know what this can be?
If you want to talk about selling products with toolkits! write me!



I can't really help you with that error message without more information, but if you just started, maybe you like to try the full installer for vm 2.5.x here:
That package works fine out of the box, and you might build up on that.

So long
Stefan Schumacher - VirtueMart Invoice Layouts

Please use only stable versions with even numbers for your live shop! Use Alpha versions only if you know what risk you are taking.


thanks. we will reinstall the whole joomla system.
If you want to talk about selling products with toolkits! write me!


Backups of the webspace and the database every few hours can save a lot of work, at least once a day is more than recommended.
Some use Akeeba Backup, still haven't tried it, but it is supposed to be fast and reliable.

Stefan Schumacher - VirtueMart Invoice Layouts

Please use only stable versions with even numbers for your live shop! Use Alpha versions only if you know what risk you are taking.


There has been just one report of that error before. I suspect it was an installation or PHP version issue on that occasion.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


we restored it and we still have the same error.
Our system is too big to do it again.
Maybe we can fix this error?

It is only when a user of vm want to relogin.
The administrators can easy login.
What is the sense of the dispatch function?

I solved it.
The Solution was: Customer -> choose the customer -> block customer was on no. changed to yes and it works.
This was the reason why the admins work and the others not. Now I just must find a way to implement a automatic set all users on yes. Standard is that every new user is blocked and I have to check them.
Someone has an idea?
If you want to talk about selling products with toolkits! write me!