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Malformed Section Headers in Invoice/Email - Plain JTEXT - Shiplark

Started by blizam, February 11, 2014, 00:31:49 AM

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I have a site that uses shiplark to handle all the shipping tasks. Shiplark is a Webgility thingee and it's able to download orders, process all the shipping, and flags the order back shipped (I'm assumming it also passes the tracking info back, but that's another thing I need to solve another day).

For some reason when Virtuemart creates and emails invoices triggered by the Shiplark status update to "shipped" html invoice/email that is sent has plain JTEXT section headers as opposed to the correct JTEXT values.

When an order status is toggled manually in Virtuemart to "Shipped" it has the correct section headers in the generated html invoice/email.

How can I start to troubleshoot what is causing the malformed invoice headers? I heard the upcoming "g" code has a whole new invoicing design system as well, should I wait for that, maybe hardcode invoice header formatting for now?

Thanks very much in advance


Even suggestions/advice would be appreciated! Not looking for the "best" solution even, just any direction towards any solution... I'm not even sure exactly where the files are that control email design


Add this at begin of your code

if (!class_exists( 'VmConfig' )) require(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_virtuemart'.DS.'helpers'.DS.'config.php');

VmConfig::loadJLang('com_virtuemart_shoppers', true);
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