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Back end - view products stopped working properly after upgrade

Started by rage76, December 31, 2013, 13:41:33 PM

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I just upgraded my Virtuemart to 2.0.26a today. After the flawless upgrade without any errors, the view products option in the back-end of VM is not showing properly.

when I click "Products" in the VM back end, it shows text links. A screenshot is attached. Please help me correct this error.


[attachment cleanup by admin]



I upgraded from 2.0.24 to 2.0.26a. at first I tried to auto update. Didnt work, said - invalid token. Then I installed the component through Joomla.

One more thing. I down-graded to 2.0.24 and it works fine. Now I have upgraded again. What I have found is, if I view 30 products on one screen, it works ok. but if I change the view to 15 products, page no. 2 gets broken. Page 1, 3, 4 can be viewed properly. This is very strange !!



The screenshot does not help, cause you did not scroll down, at the end it is assumingly showing some fatal, would be good to know.
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Thank you, but strangely enough, things are working somewhat properly now. My guess is that the template needs to be updated to the new VM version. But there was no fatal error at the end of the page as speculated by you.

I have some more issues related to product price views in category, browse page & cart. Can you help me?
