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MijoSef and Cfiltering

Started by indiferenca, December 17, 2013, 00:42:30 AM

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Hi i trie to put mijosef working , and cfiltering from breakdesign  everything is fine until this:


1- if i made a search in the left , first page is ok but when i trie to reach other pages it will bring all the products an not only from the search .

2- if i filter in the left for something the first page will be ok but if i click in second or third it will be blank  :(  ( i have allready deactivated sef in mijo sef for this componente but still the same ) only work if i deactivate mijosef completly

Anyone have ideas for this ? 

Joomla version: Joomla! 2.5.11 Stable
Virtuemart: 2.0.24c


Please contact mijo sef
They have a solution. Deactivating the component does not deactivate its plugins


I have contact mijosef and they are working on it , but i was looking for a fast solution .


I never tried Mijo SEF, but under normal circumstances SEF urls are working perfectly if you use the built-in Joomla and VirtueMart SEF features. However, your problem might also be the result of an empty suffix field in your VirtueMart Configuration > SEO tab > Seo Suffix. You should enter something there, e.g. htm, html or whatever you want. Default is -detail. If this is missing, the router which builds the SEF urls might produce hickups.
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