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VM2.024b: Order Confirmation E-Mail BCC to another E-Mail

Started by Robert.Fischbacher, November 20, 2013, 13:56:43 PM

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Is it possible, to send the order confirmation email additional to another email recipient (BCC) ?
But I only want to send the order confirmation to this email, not the "new user" Information.

Thank you
Robert ;)


Hi Robert,
Yesterday I came across a post that I think is what you are after. If I understood correct

In this thread, there is a post by a user called "Merry". see below.
"There are many ways to do this, but here is the easy way for site administrators using the Admin and your mail host:

1. At the web host (cPanel, Gmail or similar) set up a mail forward named and forward to everyone who needs a copy.
2. In JOOMLA (Not VirtueMart) top navigation menu click USERS - User Management - Super User - Account Details - EMAIL and change that email address to Be sure to click top right SAVE Button.

Best regards,"

I hope it help