SOLVED - Shopping cart product different to customer selected attributes

Started by kaybee57, October 30, 2013, 03:58:31 AM

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Child products used to need an extra description on them  (I think), but have found that they can now all be listed as exactly the same thing with only the custom fields needed the colours/sizes etc.

J: 2.5.14 / VM 2.0.22a

  • Child Products entered in order
  • Custom field items added to match
  • All good there, shows as required correctly on the front end
  • Customer orders a Black, Extra Small item (the first listed child product)
  • Shopping Cart entry shows Fuschia, Extra Large item (the last listed child product), but the attribute that follows is correct.
My dilemma therefore, is obviously to do with sorting but I am unsure of the correct files and where within, to fix this.
VM Configuration sorting tab is not the problem - that works as required and I understand it's workings.

Images attached here may help understand my issue.
I appreciate in advance any suggestions as where the problem lies.

Thank you.

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