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How to assign new user to shopper group on registration form

Started by katw, October 10, 2013, 15:02:33 PM

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Virtuemart: 2.0.24
Joomla! 2.5.11

I have created the shopper groups and went to add the shopper fields however there is no documentation to explain what each field is and how this triggers the action to assign the user to each group. ie
Type : Drop Down(single selection)

Use the table below to add new values.
Value (what is this value required? and what is the syntax ?)   Title

Field name : Backend name value
Field title :   (Member of)

Required : Yes
Registration form: Yes

Now how exactly does this trigger the user to be assigned a shopper group if appears on the registration form. I am assuming that the Value is a pointer to the shopper group id for example: keyword=&shopper_group_id=3&option=com_virtuemart
but this is not the correct syntax
so could someone please assist


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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I did use this prior to updating virtuemart, and found Petra Fantastic, I will endeavour to use this plugin however after the upgrade of virtuemart and the plugin I get a strange flashing of the  page after the user submits the registration form, which is why I thought perhaps I could use only virtuemart.
I will see if Petra can assist me again with the plugin as it was very good