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Upgrade problem

Started by bogusj, October 03, 2013, 20:38:39 PM

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This is my configuration:
Joomla verson: 1.5.26
VM version: 1.1.4

I have performed the entire process 3 times so far, following the instructions of and, however I always get stuck with errors and the migration process is not complete with the result of not importing everything and importing wrong categories and products. Here are the migrations reports:

·         Start with a new migration process and setup log maxScriptTime 239 maxMemoryLimit 242

·         Synchronized 3567 media for product in directory images/stories/virtuemart/product/

·         Synchronized 295 media for category in directory images/stories/virtuemart/category/

·         Synchronized 0 media for manufacturer in directory images/stories/virtuemart/manufacturer/

·         Synchronized 1 media for vendor in directory images/stories/virtuemart/vendor/

·         Synchronized 0 media for forSale in directory /home/podilat1/

·         Processed 3 vm1 shoppergroups time: 0.0021350383758545

·         Looks everything worked correct, migrated 123 categories

·         Looks everything worked correct, migrated 123 categories xref

·         Looks everything worked correct, migrated 1 manufacturer categories

·         Looks everything worked correct, migrated 99 manufacturers

·         Worked on migration for 41.036813020706 seconds

·         Migration finished

·         Media file tmpForThumb_phpDEiCnw should have a mimetype

·         Media file tmpForThumb_phpJmSMNt should have a mimetype

·         Media file tmpForThumb_phpOGl3s5 should have a mimetype

·         Media file tmpForThumb_phpbo6q0a should have a mimetype

·         Media file tmpForThumb_phpuv4BQH should have a mimetype

·         Media file tmpForThumb_phpKYLKh9 should have a mimetype

·         Media file tmpForThumb_php0Kh91F should have a mimetype

·         Media file tmpForThumb_php9MttQE should have a mimetype

·         Media file tmpForThumb_phpoJl397 should have a mimetype

·         Media file tmpForThumb_php8213f2 should have a mimetype

·         Media file tmpForThumb_phphZIGqE should have a mimetype

·         Media file tmpForThumb_phpdKdfJT should have a mimetype

·         Media file tmpForThumb_phpgBmMHs should have a mimetype

·         Media file tmpForThumb_phpwFp1n7 should have a mimetype

·         Userfield declaration [delimiter_bankaccount] [bank_account_holder] [bank_account_nr] [bank_sort_code] [bank_name] [bank_account_type] [bank_iban] [extra_field_1] [extra_field_2] [extra_field_3] [extra_field_4] [extra_field_5] Migrated

·         port shoppers take 546 vm1 entries for migration

·         Processed 546 vm1 users time: 3.525810956955

·         port ST addresses take 1 vm1 entries for migration

·         Processed 1 vm1 users ST adresses time: 0.0052828788757324

·         vendor 1 Stored

·         port Products take 1000 vm1 entries for migration

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         Coulndt find category for product, maybe just not in a category

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

·         vmError: TableCategory_categories::store failed - Duplicate entry '32-0' for key 'i_category_parent_id' SQL=INSERT INTO `jos_virtuemart_category_categories` ( `category_parent_id`,`category_child_id`,`ordering` ) VALUES ( '32','0','0' )

·         vmError: You are not an administrator or the correct vendor, storing of product cancelled

·         vmError: You are not an administrator or the correct vendor, storing of product cancelled

·         vmError: You are not an administrator or the correct vendor, storing of product cancelled

·         vmError: You are not an administrator or the correct vendor, storing of product cancelled

·         Max messages reached

However, not all the products and categories have been migrated correctly.

The interesting part is that according to the report, it migrated 123 categories (those are all the categories there are, so the number is correct), however, only 39 categories are imported and the last six are wrong!

I am stuck. Please help. Thanks in advance.


Could anybody give me some directions about this, please?



We struggled for a while trying to migrate from Virtuemart 1 to Virtuemart 2. We went through 3 different companies who could not do it.

In the end we used this companies services:

We did have to thoroughly test because we noticed there were some problems with the migration like URL's being filled in (instead of blank) and having absolute urls for photos instead of relative urls and a few other glitches so you have to test thoroughly. But they did it faster than anyone else and better. I highly recommend these for migrating your data between shopping carts.




VM Team, could you please give me some directions here? It seems that the migrator does not work and I don't even know what to look. At least tell me where is the log file.

Maxim Pishnyak

1. Update to J2.5 first.
2. Update VM1 to the latest VM1 before do anything.
3. 'Media file tmpForThumb_phpuv4BQH should have a mimetype' - image rubbish in your VM1.
4. 'Couldn't find category for product, maybe just not in a category' - some of your products are not assigned to your categories.

There is known tool for VM1/2 called CSVI which could help to transfer product info from some bugged VM1 web shops.
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Hi Maxim,

I tried all your suggestions, Joomla 2.5, fixed the files that had no extension, etc, but all these did not resolve my problem, because this was not the problem.
The problem is that my language is Greek and all the categories that failed to be migrated had Greek characters in the Title, ONLY. So it was trying to create the alias from the Title and was failing.
Although I had configured SEO in VM's config, it did not work for categories. Maybe it only works for the products, but for sure it does not in categories.
This is definitely a migrator bug, since it does not even consider the parameter to use IDs in order to prevent this problem.
I had to add English characters at the end of the title in order to make this work. Once I did this, the migrator worked.
I wonder if anybody has tried to use the migrator in a language other that English (Latin characters).
You need to at least use the parameter of ID in alias in the categories as well.


I have a new problem. Now the shoppers are not migrated. This is what I get:
        port shoppers take 547 vm1 entries for migration
        Processed 547 vm1 users time: 2.5731890201569
        port ST addresses take 0 vm1 entries for migration
        Worked on user migration for 2.6009981632233 seconds

In my humble opinion these messages are not informative at all.

Please advice.


Anybody any help, please?

Maxim Pishnyak

Quote from: bogusj on October 09, 2013, 18:21:13 PM
        port shoppers take 547 vm1 entries for migration
        port ST addresses take 0 vm1 entries for migration
547 shoppers are not migrated? Neither them, nor their addresses?
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None! The only user I have is the Admin.
I checked the shopper group and I have the default one. And the ones I am importing from are all from the default.
Any ideas?

Maxim Pishnyak

Could I take a look into your BE just before it's ready for installing VM2?

Possible workaround with the help of CSVI could be more faster solution btw. Does CSVI support export/import shoppers? Did you check CSVI method for resolving your issue?
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I did not consider CSVI, since it's a commercial extension.
Could you please let me know what BE is?

Thanks in advance.

Maxim Pishnyak

Quote from: bogusj on October 11, 2013, 01:33:44 AM
I did not consider CSVI, since it's a commercial extension.

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About "wrong", last time I checked, there was no free version for Joomla 2.5, just the pro version. Have you tested the free version in J2.5 and VM2?
About the Back End, are you asking about URL, login credentials, or Joomla version (it's 2.5.14)?
If yes, shall I send you an PM?

Maxim Pishnyak

Yes, pm me credentials and URL ofc. As for CSVI, you made a check too much time ago.
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