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Administrator Permissions for Orders problem/Bug

Started by sandstorm, September 17, 2013, 18:09:07 PM

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Since Upgrading to 2.0.22c, we have noticed that back end Administrators, have very little permission set to view stuff in the back end of VM.

I (logged in as a super admin) have found the permissions settings in Orders & Shoppers > Shopper Groups > Permissions  & have modified the administrator group to be able to edit products, categories etc.

But unless I select "Allow" to EVERYTHING for an administrator, the Administrator can not access the Order & Shoppers Tab.  So I have to set Administrators with Super Admin Access for Virtuemart.

This is not ideal and I would like to restrict access to Configuration, Tool and a few other ares if possible for Administrator, but still allow them full access to the Orders & Shoppers Tab

When viewing the permission for "Orders & Shopper" Tab It actually looks to be set up incorrectly as it shows the options for Shop, Media Files, Shipment & Payment Methods.

Does anyone know if this is a bug or maybe something is missing from my installation somewhere?

Thanks Andy

[attachment cleanup by admin]
J3.6.4 / PHP7.0.12

Alison Effting

Hi all

I have found exactly the same thing... I think that there is a tab missing or mislabeled on the permissions in Virtuemart 2.0.22c and was about to post this as a bug query when I saw Andy had done it already. Although the tab is labeled 'Orders and Shoppers' it has the options for the 'Shop Menu'.

I too don't want to set my storeadmin as a superuser in Joomla; but they do need to be able to check on the orders and shoppers, to change status of the actual orders when shipped etc. For me this is the most important aspect of a storeadmin; I don't want them to have the ability to reconfigure the entire setup.

I've attached my screenshots too, with the respective menus in the sidebar and the tab showing the permissions options. 'Shop' is what the permissions actually are, and the 'Orders and Shoppers' permissions are missing.

I also wondered if my setup was missing something?


[attachment cleanup by admin]


I've got the exact same problem. I hope this will be fixed fast, because our "SuperAdmin" ist not responsible for the shop-orders.

Greets David


Thanks to Hugamar, with this little edit in the config.xml, the tap is showing againt:

But still only SuperAdmin can view all orders. Is there a fix for it? Or can someone tell me what to do?

Alison Effting

I also have found no solution - don't think that the developers have read this post, or if they have, they haven't looked at the permissions in the backend tabs that we've posted about here. It's really a difficult situation for me as my store manager has no clue about Joomla and I don't want to compromise the entire site security by handing out SuperAdmin permissions just to manage the Virtuemart orders.

How to get the people who can fix this to take a look at what's in the permissions tabs? This is a serious flaw!


I haven't as yet found a solution to this but I have found an extension that will enable users without a super user access to search and list orders.
try this

I installed it and it works


We also, have the same issue. We don't give superadmin credentials to our customers, they are admin only. We we would like to be able to allow access to the orders and deny configurations and payment methods. Unfortunately, the ACL is not working for orders. I wish that this is fixed in a near future.