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Changing the language in VM

Started by sandum150, September 12, 2013, 08:54:54 AM

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Hello everyone!
I trying to do a multilangual shop like in tutorials.
All translations are work well, but in virtumeart category or product details, when i'm changing the language, it goes to the main page. I googled this problem, but there was no positive results.
Does anybody knows what i'm doing wrong, or it's a bug?

joomla 2.5.11
Virtuemart 2.0.22a
php 5.5.1



Yes, i've done all like in that instructions, but the problem is still there, it goes to http://mydomain/index.php?lang=ru when i'm trying to change the language.


Tre problem is still present. Any ideas?

Maxim Pishnyak

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Quote from: sandum150 on September 25, 2013, 16:03:45 PM
Tre problem is still present. Any ideas?
If you are redirected to the homepage it's usually because a category menu item is missing in one of your languages or one or more language tags are not set in the menu item configuration.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?

Maxim Pishnyak

English VM menu item can't be associated cos English content language is unpublished (maybe get rid of English Language and English Menus then?).
In Language Filter plugin option Automatic Language Change is off (not good).
VM versions is not latest (not 2.0.22e). So latest language fixes is not applied.
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Quote from: Maxim Pishnyak on September 27, 2013, 09:26:34 AM
...In Language Filter plugin option Automatic Language Change is off (not good).

Personally I prefer to switch the automatic language selection off and let the user decide which language he wants to read. Because I use an english language operating system on my computer, automatic language detection on Websites often assumes that I want to read english/american content and redirect me to the the U.S. website, when I actually want to read the (different) content on the company's german website. Or the system tells me "This content is not available in English", because the automatic language switcher ignores that I clicked on a german language link, etc...
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?

Maxim Pishnyak

Thank you for the tip, JJK! Never thought about that.
BTW, Sandum150, you need to get rid of VM menu item in your menus with the global main page (topmenu).
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Sorry Maxim, maybe i don't understand so well english, but i couldn't resolve the problem. Maybe i don't understand what you mean.
I deleted all menu items from "topmenu" out of main page (there is no way to delete it), but the problem is still present.
Could you tell me step by step what i have to do? Please...

Maxim Pishnyak

Try this
Quote from: jjk on September 26, 2013, 22:41:42 PM
If you are redirected to the homepage it's usually because a category menu item is missing in one of your languages or one or more language tags are not set in the menu item configuration.
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