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Always the same "pending order" after paypal payment

Started by andre-83, September 04, 2013, 22:39:23 PM

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Hi, I have the well-known problem of the pending order after payment with paypal: Add a product to cart, then confirm the order selecting paypal, complete a transaction successfully (the money has been transfered, as I can see on sandbox account), but the order is PENDING and no email is sent
I have already tried this:
1)"the subfolder fix" - no success
2) checked that in /logs/paypal.log there's "message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number xxxx". (ok)
3) checked that in "#_virtuemart_payment_plg_paypal" under "paypal response raw" there are only "zeros" (ok)
4) disabled SEF (no success)
5) tried to use the extension PayPal Checkout Express
6) tried on THREE different webspaces (same provider) with the same result
7) fresh install of joomla+vm on a fourth webspace (same result)

I don't know what to do anymore. please help me!!
I'm using J!2.5.14 + VM 2.0.22c

Maxim Pishnyak

Do you have all available logs that could help us to help you?
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2013-09-04 13:20:39
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 7160011

2013-09-04 16:48:46
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 17e8012

2013-09-04 16:49:17
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 2d51013

2013-09-04 17:04:52
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 0711016

2013-09-04 17:16:29
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 2a5e017

2013-09-04 19:19:08
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 60fa08

2013-09-04 20:06:12
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 47bd09

2013-09-04 20:06:40
message: paypal_data 9.27   47bd09   Ineligible   L67V76KACQQPC   0.00   13:06:38 Sep 04, 2013 PDT   Completed   windows-1252     0.67   3.7   90e9e5c8b84becd4bb0cde022cd80331   verified   1   Axto1SMPKSr2e88JBjtEiuXYUiidAioaqPobrlhw8dJm25ZZvbYdvIxM   1MT19078G15914423   instant   esposito      8Q7KQ4MG5CQHY   web_accept   Order Number: 47bd09   EUR      IT   1   0.00   90e9e5c8b84becd4bb0cde022cd80331      0.00   c5ec54bc4aaef

2013-09-04 20:06:40
message: checkPaypalIps: server is:

2013-09-04 20:06:40
message: checkPaypalIps:  OK

2013-09-04 20:06:40
message: _processIPN Fputs: POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: PHP/5.3.10
Server: Apache
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 873
Connection: close


2013-09-04 20:06:40
message: _processIPN FROM IPN VALIDATION:HTTP/1.0 500 Server closed connection without sending any data back
Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 20:06:40 GMT
Server: Apache
Content-Type: text/plain

500 Server closed connection without sending any data back

2013-09-04 20:06:40
message: _processIPN NO ANSWER FROM PAYPAL

2013-09-04 20:06:40
message: _processIPN valid_ipn:

2013-09-04 20:06:40
message: paypal_data _processIPN FALSE

the errors should be for transactions made with PayPal Checkout Express.
The fact is that no email is sent. because I dont care about the name of the status if the email is sent to the vendor and the buyer. I've already set up the email parameters in virtuemart (infact with the "standard" payment method the mail is sent) and also the joomla email configuration looks to be fine (I can register a new joomla user)
Thank you for the answer :)



Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


sandbox. in paypal dev account I can see that the transaction went fine. maybe that error for the ipn is what makes the order remaining pending?


IPN works
So this is likely to be your configuration settings for the sandbox account and/or VM

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


in VM I have:
Sandbox: on
email sandbox: emailofseller
Let buyers override their PayPal addresses?: on
Prompt buyers for a shipping address: do not prompt...

For Paypal Sandbox I created a dev-account, the in section "Sandbox"  created an account for test_seller and an account for test_buyer. the emails are obviously different and in Seller's profile I activated IPN with url =
Seems to be alright...


I checked the log file again and again and I found something strange.
In the IPN validation (that brings me to an error) there's "Referer:"
I'm not a php programmer, so I dont know if I'm saying something obvious or totally incorrect, but I think that between /index.php and option= should be a "?". This can be a problem?? In ipn settings on I'm sure there is that "?"
Thank you



Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


This is my configuration:
-added two accounts in sandbox. 1 business, 1 personal.
-automatic redirect from paypal to my page
-activated "Payment Data Transfers" in sandbox vendor profile
-set in paypal sandbox vendor profile the IPN url
-in vm set vendor email as receiver_email (and checked "Sandbox")

I continue to have pending order.
Is this config the same as yours? Have you got "confirmed" status order after a sandbox transaction?
Sorry, but I can't really figure out! it seems so easy, but doesnt work for me.. :'(

Another (the last) question: could be my webspace provider that blocks something?


make sure that you can make ssl connections on port 443

Have you checked the log files?

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Quote from: andre-83 on September 04, 2013, 23:33:25 PM

2013-09-04 13:20:39
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 7160011

2013-09-04 16:48:46
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 17e8012

2013-09-04 16:49:17
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 2d51013

2013-09-04 17:04:52
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 0711016

2013-09-04 17:16:29
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 2a5e017

2013-09-04 19:19:08
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 60fa08

2013-09-04 20:06:12
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 47bd09

2013-09-04 20:06:40
message: paypal_data 9.27   47bd09   Ineligible   L67V76KACQQPC   0.00   13:06:38 Sep 04, 2013 PDT   Completed   windows-1252     0.67   3.7   90e9e5c8b84becd4bb0cde022cd80331   verified   1   Axto1SMPKSr2e88JBjtEiuXYUiidAioaqPobrlhw8dJm25ZZvbYdvIxM   1MT19078G15914423   instant   esposito      8Q7KQ4MG5CQHY   web_accept   Order Number: 47bd09   EUR      IT   1   0.00   90e9e5c8b84becd4bb0cde022cd80331      0.00   c5ec54bc4aaef

2013-09-04 20:06:40
message: checkPaypalIps: server is:

2013-09-04 20:06:40
message: checkPaypalIps:  OK

2013-09-04 20:06:40
message: _processIPN Fputs: POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: PHP/5.3.10
Server: Apache
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 873
Connection: close


2013-09-04 20:06:40
message: _processIPN FROM IPN VALIDATION:HTTP/1.0 500 Server closed connection without sending any data back
Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 20:06:40 GMT
Server: Apache
Content-Type: text/plain

500 Server closed connection without sending any data back

2013-09-04 20:06:40
message: _processIPN NO ANSWER FROM PAYPAL

2013-09-04 20:06:40
message: _processIPN valid_ipn:

2013-09-04 20:06:40
message: paypal_data _processIPN FALSE

the errors should be for transactions made with PayPal Checkout Express.

Just to avoid any confusion those are actually PayPal Standard logs. Express does not use IPN . It communicates directly with the PayPal server and IPN settings are not needed.
Virtuemart Payment Plugins


So to avoid further confusion and help anyone trying to answer your request for support

Can you calrify Point 5 from your first post

Are you using the paypal standard plugin  or are you using express plugin


Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Sorry, my mistake. I have tried to use PayPal checkout express, but with no success. So I came back to VM PayPal plugin. Now I'm trying to use VM PayPal plugin.
For the SSL, is this necessary to use? Because it's not free and before buying it I would like to be sure that it is the problem


Thanks for the clarification

From what I can see in the log that SSC3 posted for you
IPN is connecting

We see this in the log
processIPN FROM IPN VALIDATION:HTTP/1.0 500 Server closed connection without sending any data back

I would expect it to be

message: _processIPN FROM IPN VALIDATION:HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Have you made sure you have updated the AIO part of the VM update

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1