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Fatal error when switching Order to confirmed.

Started by guidofto, August 21, 2013, 23:00:32 PM

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Hello... when i chenge a Orders status to confirmed i get the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method VmVendorPDF::convertHTMLColorToDec() in /httpdocs/XXXXXX/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/vmpdf.php on line 111

Virtuemart Version 2.022
Joomla version 2.5
TCPDF Version 6.0.012

Hope someone can help me here, thank you all :)


I would suggest to update to VM 2.0.22b. Maybe the same 'problem' as this one?
Just in case you are using a VirtueMart quickstart package too, who is the provider of that package?
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Hello JJK, i downloaded my package from the VirtueMart website.

I saw that thread before but i didnt want upgrade just in case my template is not designed for a different VM version...
I was hoping to find another solution for this.

While we wait for other possible solutions i am going to consult the template designer.

Thnaks for your interest



Quote from: guidofto on August 22, 2013, 13:15:49 PM
i am going to consult the template designer.
I don't think that this error is related to a template. You can try to download and install the same VM 2.0.22 package again. Maybe it was just a file error which happened during download or installation of the VM package.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Okey ill try, but when doing this i am going to lose all my store settings and products... am i right?

How can i prevent that from happening?


Quote from: guidofto on August 22, 2013, 14:12:20 PM
Okey ill try, but when doing this i am going to lose all my store settings and products... am i right?
How can i prevent that from happening?
If you didn't change the code in some original VirtueMart files, your settings and products will be preserved. But before you update something, you should ALWAYS make a backup of your existing installation. If you need to change something in the code, use 'Joomla template overrides', which will prevent that your changes will be overwritten with the original code when you update to a new version. (You will find explanations in Google).

For testing a Joomla/VirtueMart shop installing xampp on your own PC and then run Joomla/VirtueMart on xampp is a good idea.
For the backup of your site, we usually recommend 'Akeeba backup' and if you want to import/export your database, you can use phpMyadmin.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


I have the same error: Fatal error: Call to undefined method VmVendorPDF::convertHTMLColorToDec() in /users1/xxxxx/public_html/xxxxx/xxxx/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/vmpdf.php on line 111

And there is also one more error which I thik is connected somehow, because it appears in the SHOP/INVOICES/APPEARANCE section: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /users1/xxxx/public_html/xxxx/xxxx/libraries/joomla/html/html/select.php on line 504

I'm on Bulgarian language, could it be reason?