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custom field values send via e-mail

Started by Naturt, August 12, 2013, 10:17:12 AM

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I have a template override which is shows the products (with some jquery). I have a custom sendmail.php and it is send the choosen values correctly. But not the products custom fields value. I can not reach them. In the sendmail.php this fields available:

$product->product_parent_id ...

I can list all the custom field value with this in the sendmail.php:

foreach ($product->customfieldsCart as $field) {
echo $field->custom_value;

But I want the selected values only. In the normal ordering process, the invoice_items.php is working well (line 57-51):

if (!empty($item->product_attribute)){
if(!class_exists 'VirtueMartModelCustomfields'))
require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'models'.DS.'customfields.php');
$product_attribute =
echo $product_attribute;} 

Pls help me, thanks a lot


Hello Naturt,
it sounds like but I'am not sure if you have the same goal as me,
I want to send those custom field values  as email for each product after an order is done.
and I 've no clue where to to start with it.

Can you give me some help with it ?


Hi there!

I think you want the same as me. I can send all data to e-maile exept the custom fielsd. I mean i can send the custom fields data, but not the choosen one(s), all of them which is not good...


Hi Maxim! I read this treads but there is no solution for my question. I just want to send the selected custom fields value through email.

Maxim Pishnyak

I didn't say that you could find prepared and toasted solution there. These threads are the only threads here that are related to your issue. And you could start from them ..
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yes, thank you i read them but did not find the solution :/

Maxim Pishnyak

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