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I need help- pointing to store

Started by aviationlisteners, August 08, 2013, 15:48:59 PM

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We used to have joomla and virtue mart at
We hired a wix template to improve our site.
Now we want to point our users to buy on virtue mart.
How can we modify the urls so they can go to to the store to buy our products.
Any help would be appreciated.


use the joomla menu manager, and create a menu item


Thanks, but could you expand a little bit more.
I tried for a while but I couldn't get it right. Again, I need to connect my wix site to the virtuemart store.


Quote from: aviationlisteners on August 08, 2013, 17:24:24 PM
Thanks, but could you expand a little bit more.
I tried for a while but I couldn't get it right. Again, I need to connect my wix site to the virtuemart store.

where is your virtuemart store?


Our store is in Blue Host. While Wix page is in their servers.


Quote from: aviationlisteners on August 08, 2013, 17:43:23 PM
Our store is in Blue Host. While Wix page is in their servers.

I do not understand,

do you know the url of your store?

Can you not log into your wix & create the links?

aviationlisteners is the URL.
When WIX took over the DNS, the virtuemart site and store became not visible.
So we need to some how connect it.
Thanks again


DNS assigns a domain to a server.

So, if you want to connect the 2 sites, they have to be on the same server.

OR: You need to have a separate domain name for the store.

You should have just improved your current virtuemart site instead of doing the wix thing.

Who helped you do this? I would talk to them about this.