COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_ORDER_NOTFOUND when trying to print the order

Started by anna_w27, August 07, 2013, 13:36:54 PM

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Virtuemart 2.0.22a
Joomla 2.5.9

Since this afternoon, I have the following error: COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_ORDER_NOTFOUND when I'm trying to print an order.
This error is not applicable to all orders.

Anyone that knows what went wrong?

Hope someone can help.


Maxim Pishnyak

Could you turn on displaying errors and debug mode and post here what you will get?
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Hi, I am also having the same problem.  However, I have noticed the following and hope it helps in eventually resolving the issue.  Firstly, note I am using a GAVICKPRO template and VM 2.0.22a on Joomla 2.5.13.

The exact error I am getting is "Restricted access!COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_ORDER_NOTFOUND " when selecting "Orders and Shoppers" -> "Orders" -> "Print" from the VM2 administrator back-end in Joomla.  I have noticed that this error only appears if the USER of the store is also LOGGED-IN to the store website (front-end).  If the store USER LOGS-OUT from the front-end and I try and "Print" the same order again, I am able to do so without the error. 

If I log-in the same user again in the front-end store, and try and "Print" the same order, the error comes back.  I am able to replicate this scenario with different users.  I think the error could be related to whether a user has logged onto the website and at the same time when an administrator (vendor?) is trying to "Print" the order of the logged-in user.  This error seemed to have started when I upgraded from VM2 2.0.20b to 2.0.22a (I had also upgraded my GAVICKPRO template at the same time to 2.16.1).   At this stage,  I am not sure if the problem is related to the upgrade to my template or VM2.  Remember to flush your caches when trying to replicate the error for those having this problem.  I will also log this problem with the template provider.
VM2.0.24, Joomla 2.5.14, PHP 5.3.9, GAVICKPRO Template


I just tried it on one of my sites and I don't receive the error message when I print an order while the user is logged into the FE. (J2.5.14/VM2.022a/no Gavick template), but maybe the 'problem' is simply a typo in one of the VirtueMart files. Will report it to the developers.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


    Update: I am still trying to resolve this problem and as a result, I have noticed the following: 
    I can print 'test' orders using the back-end Order list as admin user (with a new shopper id created for troubleshooting).  HOWEVER, if I log-on to the front-end as the same test shopper, and try and print a DIFFERENT SHOPPERS order, in the back-end, I get the error Restricted access!COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_ORDER_NOTFOUND.  If I try to print the order for the same shopper that has logged onto the front-end (ON THE SAME PC), I am able to view the order.  If I log-out the same user from front-end, I can view all orders of all shoppers.  I am looking into this further, but it would seem that there is some sort of security/permission issue on shoppers IP address? For example, e.g. when an IP address is different on front-end and back-end, error may appear or not... is it possible the recent update introduced new code on security/permissions related to IP address?  This is speculation on my part and it is getting out of my depth, still looking though... not sure if this helps those with similar problem.  (J2.5.14/VM2.022a/Gavick Template 2.16.1).
VM2.0.24, Joomla 2.5.14, PHP 5.3.9, GAVICKPRO Template


This just occurred for me so I came looking for answers.
It was just that I had logged on the front end using a Guest Log on and the IP was conflicting. I just logged off both - cleared cache and logged back on as Admin and it fixed.