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[SOLVED] SHIPTO state field doesn't display when different from BILLTO

Started by tmdonovan, July 30, 2013, 18:36:20 PM

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using Joomla 2.5.11 and VM 2.0.21b.

When the SHIPTO address is not the same as the BILLTO address, the state does not display.  I first noticed it was not being stored in the database, due to the formfield being named virtuemart_state_id instead of shipto_virtuemart_state_id (see administrator/components/com-virtuemart/models/user.php, function storeAddress).  I fixed this problem and the SHIPTO state_id is now stored in the database properly.

But the state stilldoes not display on view_cart nor on the Add/Edit Billing Address form.  The problem seems to be in the parameter $_userData passed into administrator/components/com-virtuemart/models/userfields.php, function getUserFieldsFilled.  Here is $_userData when called for BILLTO:

stdClass Object ( [email] => [company] => [first_name] => Jane [last_name] => Doe [address_1] => 5 Elm St [address_2] => [city] => Boston [virtuemart_country_id] => 223 [virtuemart_state_id] => 22 [zip] => 01234 [phone_1] => 617-234-2345 )

Here is $_userData when called for SHIPTO:

stdClass Object ( [address_type_name] => Shipment [company] => [first_name] => Jane [last_name] => Doe [address_1] => 2 Elm St [address_2] => [city] => Brighton [virtuemart_country_id] => 223 [virtuemart_state_id] => [zip] => 01234 [phone_1] => 617-234-5678 ) .  Note that virtuemart_state_id has no value.

I don't know where the $_userData array is being created and passed to this function.  Can anyone enlighten me about where this would be happening?  Or if this is a known problem or not?  Note, the problem exists in the native VM template as well as my template overide.  And everythign is fine when the SHIPTO and BILLTO are the same.

Thanks for any help you might provide.

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This problem appears to be fixed in V2.0.22a.  This issue can be closed.